DMXzone App Connect Support Product Page

Dynamic images with path and also backgrounds

Reported 02 May 2019 16:30:59
has this problem
02 May 2019 16:30:59 Dan Everton posted:

I need to display dynamic image in the following code:

<div class="slide" style="background: url('/images/wedding/13.jpg') center center; background-size: cover; height: 100% !important;"></div>

Where "/images/wedding/13.jpg" it should pull from this source:[0].Img

I also need to display repeated images from the same source in
<div class="slide" data-thumb="images/wedding/thumb/11.jpg"><img src="/images/wedding/11.jpg" alt="Image"></div>

There are several issues i am having:

1) all my images upload fine and are stored - i only store the filename and not the path.

2) Unless i add the path to the data entry I cannot prepend with the directory.

Can you please respond ASAP to this as i have tried many times this week to invoke a chat but you are never available.

I know much of your time is taken up with Wrappler but the support as dmxzone user would be very much appreciated.

I can share page refs etc but would want this to be private.



Replied 03 May 2019 08:54:55
03 May 2019 08:54:55 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Dan,

That is why the dynamic attributes are available ...
Add dynamic attributes -> style. Add your css style property 'background-image'. Then add your dynamic/static paths like:

Which looks like this in the code:
dmx-style:background-image="'url(/images/wedding/'+[0].Img + ')'"

So yu wrap static parts of the values in single quotes and enter dynamic ones directly (See my example above)

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