Explore the FAQs

Sliding Billboard

Create a new design and save for future use


How can I add my own style for Sliding Billboard to the list of designs? Read More
Sliding Billboard

Create a Style Chooser


How can I add a Style Chooser like in the Sliding Billboard Styles Demo, so visitors can choose their own Billboard style? Read More
Sliding Billboard

Creating a Lightbox link in Sliding Billboard


How can I let a DMXzone Lightbox appear when I click on a Sliding Billboard item? How can I also specify more advanced Lightbox options?
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Sliding Billboard

Unwanted blue colors appear in selected design


Why do unwanted blue colors appear in my design? Read More
Sliding Billboard

Use multiple styles on the Item Text


Is there a way to use multiple styles to format the Item Text? Read More
Sliding Billboard

Only list of images is showing on my page


Why does my Billboard show as a list of images and text while it looks OK in Dreamweaver?

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Sliding Billboard

Creating images with shadow in Sliding Billboard


How can I have my images appear with a shadow in the Sliding Billboard? Read More
Sliding Billboard

Creating transparent images in Sliding Billboard


How can I have my images appear transparent in the Sliding Billboard?
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Sliding Billboard

Create imageborders in Sliding Billboard


How can I apply a border to every image in the Sliding Billboard?

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Sliding Billboard

Use images within the Item Text


Is there a way to use images within the Item Text? Read More