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Syntax error in FROM clause

Posted 16 Sep 2001 07:31:58
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16 Sep 2001 07:31:58 Mike bianconi posted:
Help, I used the insert record server behavior to insert my data from a new user register form. I keep getting this same error.
Microsoft ole db driver... 80040E14 Syntax error in FROM clause.

the line it gives me is here:

if I go up a few lines I find this line:var MM_dupKeySQL = "SELECT myradfn FROM login table WHERE myradfn='" + MM_dupKeyUsernameValue + "'"

I found the SQL quote problem on microsoft's knowledge base but I'm lost.
If you need more of the code let me know.
If I try to test a resord set, I get the same error.

Please help!



Replied 17 Sep 2001 05:02:16
17 Sep 2001 05:02:16 Mike bianconi replied:
Thanks all I got it working!!!

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