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has anyone had this error?

Posted 07 Jul 2002 05:33:19
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07 Jul 2002 05:33:19 dave lyons posted:
anyone had this error?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in UPDATE statement.

/boat/admin/update.asp, line 137


Replied 07 Jul 2002 18:27:48
07 Jul 2002 18:27:48 Greg Olone replied:
Found this information on the Macromedia website at:
This error typically results from one or more of the following problems with the name of a field, object, or variable within a database. 1. Using a "reserved word" as a name. Most databases have a set of "reserved words" which have meaning to the database engine because they may be used to identify built-in functions or keywords. For example, "date" is a reserved word and cannot be used for column names in the database.

2. Special characters in the name. Examples of special characters
include: . / * : ! # & - ?

3. A space in the name.

4. A column name starts with a numeric character, such as 2products

The error can also occur when an Input Mask is defined for an object in the database, and the data being inserted does not conform to the mask. Solution
Avoid using reserved words such as "date", "name", "select", "where" and "level" when specifying field names in your database. Also eliminate spaces and special characters.
Use caution when choosing field names

Greg Olone, President
Stretched Out Software Inc.
Replied 18 Jul 2002 20:53:43
18 Jul 2002 20:53:43 Morpheus Rex replied:
i was having a similar problem inserting, updating, and/or deleting records from an MS Access database. If all else fails, look in the root of your web server for the Connections subfolder. open the folder. there will probably only be one file there--the file containing your custom connection string. download it and open it in notepad. i have noticed that on occasion and for no reason i could explain, UltraDev or DMX will re-write the connection string to use OLEDB rather than the Microsoft Access Driver. whatever the case, i manually changed the connection string from:

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\inetpub2\resadmin...


Provider=MSDASQL; Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=C:\inetpub2\resadmin...

of course, this is no great revelation and can be done from within UltraDev or DMX, but doing it from within those programs simply did not work for me. if you can't get around the error any other way, pull the connection file from the server, manually modify the connection string, and re-upload. worked like a charm for me.

Edited by - zorpheux on 18 Jul 2002 21:03:32

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