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Mac OSX MX ftp problem

Posted 09 Nov 2006 23:06:59
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09 Nov 2006 23:06:59 Alan C posted:
I'm moving all my resold customers from my old hosting provider to a new one. So far all has gone as expected without major problems, but now I have hit a really big one.

One of my customers uses Mac OSX 10.4.8 Tiger, with DW MX version 8.

At home on his Mac laptop he can work perfectly, while at work on a G4 tower he has ftp problems, he can connect and download files, but gets and error when he tries to upload new files.

My thoughts are <ul><li> firewall </li><li> isp </li></ul>

Has anyone else experienced anything like this and how did you solve it?


Replied 19 Nov 2006 23:16:15
19 Nov 2006 23:16:15 judith newman replied:
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>

Has anyone else experienced anything like this and how did you solve it?

<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>

I've run into the same problem in my new iMac (Intel) OS 10.4.8 - two of the sites I manage will connect but not LIST - both are PASV disabled - If I turn the Firewall off, the files will LIST - Firewall on - they won't. I can access and LIST both sites fine on my Mac G4 (OS 10.3.9) and my PC Laptop (Windows XP) - just not with the Firewall in OS 10.4.8. So it's a Firewall problem!

Anybody got an idea how to solve it?
Replied 23 Nov 2006 17:25:54
23 Nov 2006 17:25:54 Alan C replied:
Thanks for your reply, I'll ask my customer about his firewall.

I have searched for this elsewhere but not found any solution yet.

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