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Appearance of Items in Dreamweaver MX

Posted 29 Nov 2006 22:46:10
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29 Nov 2006 22:46:10 Jason Fields posted:
I've recently switched from Dreamweaver 8 to Dreamweaver MX.

When in the "Design" view some elements that I'm used to seeing certain ways in Dreamweaver 8 are not showing up the same.

For example:
* IFRAMES are not showing up as anything in the Design View
* <DIVS> are showing up as large as they need to be to show all the content and not showing up their actual size
* Some link text is showing up larger than it should

ALL content IS rendering properly in browsers but not getting the WYSIWYG view that I'm used to in DW8 is really slowing me down.

Can some of you smart DW MX tell me what is going on?




Replied 30 Nov 2006 17:30:07
30 Nov 2006 17:30:07 Alan C replied:
I find something similar, DW (Win version) does not always render the CSS correctly, so I get divs offset, images showing in the wrong place etc, but they render correctly in a browser. I suspect it's the rendering engine in DW that has not yet caught up with the latest CSS. It's something I've just learned to live with so if anyone has a way to improve it then I too will be really pleased to hear of it.
Replied 30 Nov 2006 17:43:53
30 Nov 2006 17:43:53 Jason Fields replied:
yeah, well I'm going to go buy a copy of 8 because I lost my other copy. <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle>

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