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Undefined index: actual in /var/www/hay/controller/main.php on line 36

Posted 15 Nov 2011 19:54:12
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15 Nov 2011 19:54:12 miguel angel posted:
I have this code yet still have an error,

class Main {
	private static $pages = Array(
		'rolunk' 	 => 1,
		'paprikahaz' => 2,
		'lovagrend'  => 3,
		'kapcsolat'  => 4,
		'actual'   => 5
public static function index() {
		if (!isset($GLOBALS['url'][0])) {
		} else {
			$page = $GLOBALS['url'][0];
			if (array_key_exists($page, self::$pages)) {
				$article = Articles::getPage(self::$pages[$page]);
				if (is_numeric($article['gallery_id'])) {
					TPL::getInstance()->assign('gallery_id', $article['gallery_id']);
					TPL::getInstance()->assign('gallery_image', Util::$gallery_image[$page]);   ------> line 36?
				TPL::getInstance()->assign('actual', true);
				TPL::getInstance()->assign('article_title', stripcslashes($article['title']));
				TPL::getInstance()->assign('article_seo_title', stripcslashes($article['seo_title']));
				TPL::getInstance()->assign('article_keywords', stripcslashes($article['seo_keywords']));
				TPL::getInstance()->assign('article_desc', stripcslashes($article['seo_description']));
				TPL::getInstance()->assign('article_body', stripcslashes($article['body']));

Anybody can help me in this one!


Replied 28 Nov 2011 18:47:43
28 Nov 2011 18:47:43 Patrick Woldberg replied:
The error tells you that the array index does not exist, so the $page probably contains a value that is not an index of the $gallery_image array.

Print out the $page and $gallery_image for debugging the problem (use print_r to print the array).
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