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CDONTS problem - will I ever fix this?!?!?

Posted 02 Aug 2001 14:04:37
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02 Aug 2001 14:04:37 Bec C posted:
I have finally got rid of the permission denied message whilst using the auto-email CDONTS object but...

I am not receiving the email that should be getting sent from the code!
Could it be stuck on the server somewhere?

I am using this code:


Dim objCDO
Set objCDO = server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail"

objCDO.To = " "
objCDO.From = "Tester!"

textBody="Hopefully this email will get to me!"

objCDO.Subject= "Tester"
response.write("Email Sent "
Set ObjCdo = nothing

I read something about a badmail folder on a previous message. What is this and how do I check it? Could this be where the email went?



Replied 03 Aug 2001 14:35:12
03 Aug 2001 14:35:12 Joel Martinez replied:
the badmail folder is under c:\inetpub\mailroot\badmail

it will probably be in there... but as far as not getting it, that's a wierd problem, and as you saw in the other post has in the past been solved by using a valid email address for the domain the you're using... meaning that the email address has to be set up.
unfortunately, I don't know how to "set it up" because some else has always done that part, but hopefully this sheds some light on the issue.

Joel Martinez

set rs = conn.execute("SELECT answer FROM brain WHERE question = "& forumPost &"
Replied 03 Aug 2001 16:45:19
03 Aug 2001 16:45:19 Bec C replied:
I have managed to get onto the server and all the mails are being put into pickup which is in mailroot.

Does this have any bearing on the problem?


Replied 31 Aug 2001 04:11:50
31 Aug 2001 04:11:50 Craig Foster replied:
I don't know if this is the cause of your problem but I noticed two things in your code.

1. You should include an actaul email formatted email address in the from line.

2. If the code you posted is he actual code copied/pasted then look at your "textBody" variable. You set it with the spelling "textBody" and call it using the spelling "txtBody"


Replied 31 Aug 2001 04:53:34
31 Aug 2001 04:53:34 Owen Eastwick replied:
One other point, the FROM Email address must be a valid address for the domain.

So if the domain is

objCDO.From =



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