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log/pass question

Posted 09 Aug 2001 11:33:09
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09 Aug 2001 11:33:09 tiago paula posted:
hi there
I have a site with log/pass and control the acess with session variables and a database .Let´s say that the user enter telog (login.asp) page, if the data in the database match then goto loginOk.asp(i have another session variable to control user status), question is how can i make that once the user as logged and enter loginok.asp if he returns to login.asp he must enter the log/pass again.I tryed the session.abandon but no way as well the "Do not cache page".Does anyone has a solution to this please???
question number two is how cai i prevent two users from log/pass with the same data.


Replied 12 Aug 2001 16:12:50
12 Aug 2001 16:12:50 Joel Martinez replied:
well, you can try setting the session variable to "" since that's what your probably checking for:
<b>IF session("user" = "" THEN</b>

as far as the two users logging in with the same data... that's no actually the easiest thing to do. you'd have to use the global.asa file to log all the users as they log in, then if another login attempt is made, deny them.
but in my opinion, that is way too much trouble to go thorough, after all:
Why have username and passwords, if other people know them? but that's just my 2 centavos

Joel Martinez

set rs = conn.execute("SELECT answer FROM brain WHERE question = "& forumPost &"

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