Flash MP3 Player Manual FAQs Support

Enjoy a great MP3 player on your website within a few clicks.

This cool Dreamweaver extension lets your users enjoy a great MP3 player on your website  within a few clicks and with no Flash knowledge at all! Just select your favourite songs and a fancy skin and the extension creates a Flash MP3 Player for your website. The song title is displayed together with all the necessary controls in a cool fully stylable interface.

The extension has been discontinued, please get HTML5 MP3 Player.



Features highlights:

  • Cool customizable designs
  • Playlist for Vista and Baracuda skins so you can select any song instantly
  • Browser Compatibility
  • An inline property inspector
  • Automatically updates the Flash Player of the user

* For complete Features overview press the Features in Detail button


Features in Detail

  • Flash MP3 Player Can Control 3D Image Flow Gallery and vice versa
    Create an interactive visual and audio experience

  • Cool Customizable designs
    Choose every possible color to style your player.

  • Playlist for Vista and Baracuda skins so you can select any song instantly

  • Browser Compatibility
    All 100% cross browser compatible due to usage of a Flash component!
  • Fully integrated in Dreamweaver with live preview
    Set your options within user friendly interface, no coding is required and you see every style change Live in your Dreamweaver design view.
    Live Preview

    Integrated in Dreamweaver with Live Preview in Interface
  • An inline property inspector;
    The property inspector enables you to change several options after you’ve applied the Flash MP3 Player;

  • Automatically updates the Flash Player of the user
    Flash MP3 player automatically detects and updates the Flash Player of the user if the installed Flash Player is older than the required version (version 7).



Basic Usage

Customizing the Flash MP3 Player Using the Time Only Skin

With this movie we will show you how to customize the Flash MP3 Player using the Time Only skin and the new events and masking.

Watch the movie read more

How to Create Dynamic Flash MP3 Player

With this movie we will show you how easily you can create a dynamic Flash MP3 Player with a classic ASP.

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More info
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Flash MP3 Player Video

Want to see how easy you can create a cool MP3 player on your page? Then check this great video.

Bundle Usage

Creating a 3D Gallery with Sound

In this video we will show you how to link your 3D Gallery Images to your MP3's using 3D ImageFlow Gallery and Flash MP3 Player. After inserting the gallery and the MP3 player we'll add a behavior and modify the XML. Note that you need 3D ImageFlow Gallery and Flash MP3 Player to create a 3D Gallery with MP3's.

Watch the movie read more

Using the DMXzone CSS Image Gallery and Flash MP3 Player

With this movie we will show you how easily you can play different sounds for each image using the DMXzone CSS Image Gallery and Flash MP3 Player.

Watch the movie read more

Sliding Billboard with Added MP3 Player

With this movie we will show you how easily you can add Flash MP3 Player to your Sliding Billboard.

Watch the movie read more


Type: Suite
License: External link
Product: Dreamweaver MX 2004, Dreamweaver 8, Dreamweaver CS3, Dreamweaver CS4, Dreamweaver CS5/CS5.5 and CS6


Version 1.0.7

  • New control behavior possibilities for setting volume, position and pan (balance) of the music when being played 
  • New events for the DMXzone Behavior Connector: “On update interval” and “when ID3 tags are available” makes it possible that you show the elapsed time or ID3 tags like title somewhere else on the page 
  • The “When music starts” event now also supports {index} mask so you can pass the number of the played song to any other behaviors
  • New Time Only skin included
  • Improved DMXzone Behavior Connector

Version 1.0.5

  • Dreamweaver CS4 Compatibility
  • New behaviors connector

Update Procedure

  1. Open the pages that use the Flash MP3 Player in Dreamweaver,
  2. Select the Flash MP3 Player Objects on your page
  3. Reapply it by clicking on the extension icon from the DMXzone objects panel
  4. Press the ok button to reapply the extension when the extension dialog pops up
  5. You should see some alerts about updated files, make sure you upload these to your live server and you are ready


George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of Wappler.io - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

See All Postings From George Petrov >>


Flash MP3 Manual

April 21, 2009 by larry weathers

Is there a manual for the flash MP3 player?


April 22, 2009 by George Petrov

The Flash MP3 Manual can be found at http://www.dmxzone.com/go?13881

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