Sliding Billboard Manual FAQs Support

Organize your work greatly in a virtual book!

Discover the power of interactive presentations – the Sliding Billboard ! Organize your work greatly in a virtual book, which auto scrolls and enables your users to slide from page to page or chapter to chapter naturally. You can present any type of work this way: your portfolio, photo albums, products index, web shop, ads and much more. Choose from the 13 cool CSS designs included, so your billboard always looks great and suites your site perfectly.

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Features Highlights:

  • 13 stylish CSS designs included - Various styles to fit your web site perfectly - see them all
  • Pure CSS Sliding Billboard - Doesn't require any plugins and works on all modern browsers
  • Customizable animation - Adjust the Billboard appearance by speed, easing, scroll interval and more
  • Search Engine Friendly - as the Sliding billboard is pure HTML and CSS code it can be nicely indexed by all search engines and web spiders
  • Auto Paginating - Quick access to all the pages in the Sliding Billboard
  • Organize in Sections - Divide your content for a better preview
  • Add titles and description to each image - An easy way to write description for your images or products
  • DMXzone Resizer included - Integrated Resizer, so that you don't need to use any additional programs to fit the images to the Billboard

* For complete Features overview press the Features in Detail button


  • 13 stylish CSS Designs Included - Various styles to fit your web site perfectly
    • Lightweight CSS3 Designs - We have chosen to use CSS3 effects like rounded corners and shadows in our CSS designs to make them really pure CSS and very light - so no extra images for many weird css hacks are loaded

  • Pure CSS Sliding Billboard - Doesn't require any plugins and works on all modern browsers

  • Customizable animation - Adjust the Billboard appearance by speed, easing, scroll interval and more
    • Animation easing and speed - regular sliding is not enough for you? How about bouncing or elastic sliding?

  • Search Engine Friendly - as the Sliding billboard is pure HTML and CSS code it can be nicely indexed by all search engines and web spiders

  • Auto Paginating - Quick access to all the pages in the Sliding Billboard

  • Organize in Sections - Divide your content for a better preview
    • Multiple Sections - Divide your content in multiple sections and have a great tabs/menu like navigation between the sections

  • Add titles and description to each image - An easy way to write description for your images or products
    • Great title and description hover effects - When displaying images only the title will be shown on top of the image and the description will slide in only when you move with your mouse on top of the image

  • Multiple Rows and Columns - Enter the desired number of rows and columns and the gallery items will automatically be arranged

  • Auto generated thumbnails – Auto generate your thumbnails with the correct size while proportions are maintained

  • DMXzone Resizer included - Integrated Resizer, so that you don't need to use any additional programs to fit the images to the Billboard

  • Fully customizable - Don't like to supply styles? Well it is all CSS based so you can easily make your own adjustments in the CSS from within Dreamweaver's CSS editor

  • Fully Controllable by behaviors - You want to navigate to specific position, start or stop the billboard - it can be easily done with the Control Sliding Billboard behavior.

  • Don't want auto sliding – Well,  just set do Not set the Auto Play - and then the user will navigate manually only

  • Auto anchor navigation - You want to have your own link somewhere else on your page and when the user click on it, the billboard should go to a specific section? Easy just use as link #section_name

  • Horizontal or Vertical scroll - The choice is yours

  • Full support for keyboard and mouse wheel navigation (optional)

  • Customizable Navigation Position - You can choose where you want your section and page navigation top or bottom

  • Side Navigation buttons - You can also choose if you want to have side navigation arrow buttons, where should they be positioned inside, outside, middle and when; always or only on mouse over (hover)

  • Integrated in Dreamweaver – Interactive dialog in Dreamweaver with all the options you’ll need
    • An inline property inspector, so that you can easily change visual options later on
  • Preview in Dreamweaver - You can preview within Dreamweaver how your billboard will look like


Basic Usage

Adding Mouse Gestures and New Easing Effects to a Sliding Billboard

With this movie we will show you how to simulate iPad/iPhone touchscreen gestures, as well as adding new easing effects.

Designing a Sliding Billboard

With this movie we will show you how to create a simple Billboard using DMXzone's Sliding Billboard.

Bundle Usage

Sliding Billboard with Added MP3 Player

With this movie we will show you how easily you can add Flash MP3 Player to your Sliding Billboard.

Creating Fantastic Billboard slides and Open them in a Lightbox

With this movie we will show you how to combine Sliding Billboard and DMXzone Lightbox in order to create amazing slides which open links in cool popup windows.

Controlling the Animated Thumbnail Gallery through Sliding Billboard

Controlling the Animated Thumbnail Gallery through Sliding Billboard

With this movie we will show you how to control Animated Thumbnail Gallery using Sliding Billboard.

Super Bundle Usage

Create a menu that is positioned on any side of your browser and navigate the Sliding Billboard.

With this movie we will show you how to navigate the Sliding Billboard sections through Universal CSS Navigation Menu. The Sliding Billboard content opens in a DMXzone Lightbox.


Type: Suite
License: External link
Product: Dreamweaver 8, Dreamweaver CS3, Dreamweaver CS4, Dreamweaver CS5/CS5.5 and CS6, Dreamweaver CC+
Platform: Win XP/2000/2003/2008/7, Mac OS X 10.4+
Browser: IE 6, Opera 8, Opera 9, Firefox 1.5, IE 7, Firefox 3.6+, Opera 9.5, Safari 3, Chrome 9+, IE 8, Safari 4+, Opera 10+, iPad
Used Technologies: jQuery, CSS, Web 2.0, JavaScript
Screen Shot: Details...
Tags: scrolling image, billboard, product scroller, css gallery, css product scroller, scrolling css gallery, css product billboard, css tabs, css scroller, css thumbnails scroller


Version 1.0.10

  • Full Dreamweaver CC and Extension Manager CC support
  • Included new Behavior Connector with restyled UI and better Mac OSX Support
  • Updated the automatic file copy and update component for better Dreamweaver CC support
  • Improved compatibility with the latest jQuery
  • Included latest jQuery 1.10.1
  • Improved Windows 8 compatibility

Version 1.0.9

  • Improved Dreamweaver CS6 compatibility
  • Improved installer for Dreamweaver CS 6.1 (Adobe Creative Cloud) compatibility
  • Improved javascript file compression for smaller and faster file loading

Version 1.0.8

  • Improved integration with dynamic data
  • Improved DW integration
  • Included the latest mouse wheel plug-in
  • Latest jQuery 1.7.2 included
  • Improved installer for DW CS5.5+
  • Improved DMXzone Behavior Connector and other behaviors from DMXzone extensions
  • Improved installer for Mac DW CS6

Version 1.0.7

  • Latest DMXzone Image Resizer included for the best performance
  • Improved compatibility with newest jQuery 1.6+ versions
  • Improved mouse wheel handling for the newest jQuery
  • Included latest jQuery 1.6.3
  • Optimized source and files for smaller size
  • Improved automatic shared file copy, synchronization and upload from Dreamweaver
  • Improved working in Dreamweaver templates

Version 1.0.6

  • Included new jQuery 1.4.4
  • Improved depended file includes
  • Improved includes and cleanup of styles

Version 1.0.5

  • improved DMXzone Image resizer for Mac OSX and Windows 7
  • even faster resizing by using all the available cores of the CPU's
  • Improved working in Dreamweaver templates

Version 1.0.4

Full support for iPad and iPhone!

  • Now you can use gestures to fully navigate your Sliding Billboard with touch on the iPad or iPhone and with mouse sweeps on the regular computers. You can enable or disable this functionality with the new “Gestures” option on the Property Inspector.

Great animation speed improvements

  • Use Native CSS Transitions for the fastest animations on WebKit (Safari, Chrome) browsers.
  • Use CSS Transforms for hardware accelerated animations on iPad, iPhone and Safari on the Mac

Updated CSS Styles

  • Updated Styles for Opera support of CSS3 rounded corners and shadows.
  • Fixed some Webkit CSS styling
Dreamweaver CS5 Compatible

Version 1.0.3

  • Improved support for Google Crome and Safari
  • Improved inserting the JavaScript and CSS files in dynamic pages
  • Various speed improvements

Version 1.0.2

Browser optimizations:

  • Initial loading performance optimizations – the Sliding Billboard loads much faster now and it is displayed instantly. No more loading flickering in IE.
  • Improved compatibility with other frameworks like Prototype and Mootools.

Dreamweaver optimizations:

  • New method for uploading related files – now when related files are generated by the Sliding Billboard, the user is presented a dialog containing list of new files and with the choice to upload them all at once. No more files to forget to upload.
  • DMXzone Lightbox code is now only inserted if really used Sliding Billboard
  • Sliding Billboard works much better now in Dreamweaver templates.

Version 1.0.1

  • Fixed IE8 error with auto slide
  • Works great in DW8
  • Improved compatibility with DMXzone Behavior Connector so you can easily bind your Sliding Billboard with extensions like Flash MP3 Player, Advanced Tooltips and other

Update Procedure:

Just open a page using the Sliding Billboard. You will see a progress bar indicating new files are being copied. After that a dialog will popup with the list of the new files. Depending on if you have remote site defined and you have site synchronization enabled, the files will be automatically synchronized or you will be presented an option to upload all files.

You will need to reedit your existing billboards. Just select each one of them, in the Property Inspector click on the “Slides” button to bring the slides edit dialog. Just click on OK and the Sliding Billboard will be regenerated. Make sure you do that for all your Sliding Billboards. Save and upload your pages and you are done.

George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

See All Postings From George Petrov >>


What a great extension

November 4, 2009 by Judy Wert

I've bought Sliding Billboard a few days ago, and already have it up and running. It makes my site look very professional and sharp. I am having a fun time trying out different ways of working with it.

I had some questions, and used the forum. Patrick, you and Miroslav are good. I got very fast responses. Thank you.

My site still need lots of work, but I am getting there with the help of your great extensions and staff.


I Love Sliding Billboard

August 5, 2010 by Magreth deGraaf

I love the easy to understand plug-in works, it is easy to set up and only took me a few minutes to figure out how to use it. The difference it makes to my classifieds website is phenomenal! Thanks DMX

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