Feed Genie Manual Support

Get your favorite feeds as Data Sources!

Get your favorite feeds as Data Sources directly in Dreamweaver! Now you can add the feed fields directly from the Data bindings panel to your page and any tag attributes as dynamic data! Use Feed Genie Repeater to display all the feed entries exactly the way you want. Choose from the many supplied standard feeds like Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Picasa but customize them with your own filters!

As the Feed Genie creates Dreamweaver Data Bindings, you can also use it in combination with any other standard Dreamweaver extension as well as the DMXzone extensions such as HTML5 Image Enhancer, DMXzone Lightbox and many others. You can even add a cool paging to the Feed Genie records with the DMXzone Paginator!

The extension has been deprecated. Please get HTML5 Data Bindings and DMXzone Server Connect!



Features Highlights:

  • Many standard feeds supplied - Choose from the many feed such as: Flickr, YouTube, Facebook,Twitter, Last.FM, WordPress and Picasa.
  • Fully Parameterized Feeds - For each chosen feed an interface with feed specific options is shown, so you can directly enter the needed feed parameters! When you want to display the Picasa photos for a specific album, you can just enter the album name in the appropriate field.
  • Custom Feed Data Sources - Next to the standard feed data fields you can choose from, you get, depending on the chosen field type, additional custom data source fields in the data binding panel! So when you choose a Picasa Photo feed you can also use fields like additional EXIF information or various user and album values.
  • Custom feeds – If your feed is not on the list you can always enter your feed URL directly.
  • Feeds as Data Sources - Add your favorite feeds as data sources directly in Dreamweaver.
  • Feed Fields - Add feed fields directly from the Data Bindings panel.
  • Tag attributes - Add any tag attributes as dynamic data.
  • Feed Genie Repeater - Use Repeat region to display all feed entries the way you want.


  • Many standard feeds supplied - Choose from the many feed such as: Flickr, YouTube, Facebook,Twitter, Last.FM, WordPress and Picasa.

  • Fully Parameterized Feeds - For each chosen feed an interface with feed specific options is shown, so you can directly enter the needed feed parameters! When you want to display the Picasa photos for a specific album, you can just enter the album name in the appropriate field.

  • Custom Feed Data Sources - Next to the standard feed data fields you can choose from, you get, depending on the choosen field type, additional custom data source fields in the data binding panel! So when you choose a Picasa Photo feed you can also use fields like additional EXIF information or various user and album values.

  • Custom feeds – If your feed is not on the list you can always enter your feed URL directly.

  • Feeds as Data Sources - Add your favorite feeds as data sources directly in Dreamweaver.

  • Feed Fields - Add feed fields directly from the Data Bindings panel.

  • Tag attributes - Add any tag attributes as dynamic data.

  • Feed Genie Repeater - Use Repeat region to display all feed entries the way you want.

  • Use Feed Genie ASP with other extensions - You can combine it with any standard Dreamweaver extension as well as the DMXzone extensions like DMXzone Lightbox, HTML5 Image Enhancer, and many others.

Feed Genie ASP Demo

  • Cacheable Feeds - the feeds are automatically cached when fetched so when requested again the cached version is served directly and the user gets an instant response as well your server load stays low. You can fully control the cache time with the supplied option.

  • Sorting option – You can sort your feeds by author, title, link, description, and many others.

  • Search engine friendly – The feeds are generated server side and can be well indexed.

  • Great Dreamweaver Integration - Interactive dialog in Dreamweaver with all the options you’ll need.


Type: Behavior
License: External link
Product: Dreamweaver 8, Dreamweaver CS3, Dreamweaver CS4, Dreamweaver CS5/CS5.5 and CS6
Server Model: ASP JavaScript, ASP VBScript, PHP MySQL
Platform: Win XP/2000/2003/2008/7, Mac OS X
Browser: Firefox 3.6+, Opera 9.5, Safari 3, Chrome 9+, Safari 4+
Screen Shot: Details...
Tags: feed, genie,php, asp, picasa, facebook, youtube, flickr


Version 1.0.6

  • Full Dreamweaver CC and Extension Manager CC support
  • Improved extension User Interface
  • Improved Windows 8 compatibility

Version 1.0.5

  • Feed Genie lifts up all feed limits and delivers unlimited items for other DMXzone extensions that use it as data source like HTML5 Slideshow, DMXzone Supersized and others
  • Improved compatibility with Mac DW CS 5.5+

Version 1.0.4

  • Geo Location fields available for Flickr, Picasa and Youtube feeds! Very useful for displaying with DMXzone Google Maps
  • Additional image sizes available for Picasa Feeds
  • Original Image now also available as binding to Picasa feeds
  • Improved publishDate in ASP to handle more time formats
  • Improved php parsing for feeds with special xpath replace attributes
  • Defaults geo lat/lang to 0 if none is found

Version 1.0.3

  • Fixed paging of custom feeds
  • Fixed date feeds from PHP
  • Fixed publishedDate in PHP for Google feeds
  • Improved fetching of some RDF feeds

Version 1.0.2

  • Both the ASP and the PHP are packed together in a single extension, so you can use all the awesome features in your own needful way.

Version 1.0.1

  • Improved feed data bindings order
  • Improved compatibility with HTML5 Slideshow
  • Fixed first time feed fetch when used without repeater 

Update Procedure:

Here are five easy steps to update all your pages;

  1. Install the latest version of Feed Genie
  2. Open your Feed Genie page
  3. Select the existing Feed Genie Server Behavior from the server behaviors palette
  4. Click on the ok button to re-apply the server behaviors
  5. An alert will be sure that your files are replaces, make sure you upload the files to your server   

George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of Wappler.io - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

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