Advanced HTML Editor 3 Manual FAQs Support

Meet the future of Content Editing

Creating beautiful and rich content online has never been easier. With the Advanced HTML Editor 3 you can enable editing of live text, images, tables and other content without any HTML knowledge, visually like in Microsoft Word. Turn the brand new, fully rewritten Advanced HTML Editor 3 into your own custom CMS with just a few clicks, directly from within Dreamweaver and make your websites dynamic and editable by your clients.

The smart context menus and rich editing options will save you time throughout the content editing process.  Customize the editor especially for your users by selecting the toolbars you wish and display it in one of the many desired languages. The great supplied CSS based designs and icon packages, which can be edited, will guarantee you the perfect fit on your website design.

Fully jQuery powered, XHTML/HTML5 and cross-browser compatible, the editor offers great dependent file copy, synchronizations built-in and integrated with Dreamweaver file upload, and site synchronization.

Available Add-ons:

- OR -


  • Fully rewritten from the ground up! - The code of the new editor has been fully rewritten to empower the web technologies from the latest generation web browsers. It's now also fully extensible, so new features and plugins can be easily plugged in naturally.

  • Fully customizable toolbars - From the Advanced HTML Editor 3 user interface you can add or remove any tools you need or don't need to be visible on the toolbar.

  • Let your users create formatted content without having to know any HTML code - Type in any content and with the push of a button change the font to bold, italic, etc. Change the font size and color.
  • Live and Design View in Dreamweaver - If you need a quick preview of your editor, simply use the Design view, where you can explore all the toolbars, skin and iconset that have been selected.

  • Support for all latest browsers - All modern browsers are supported (IE8+ FF 3.6+, Safari 5+, Chrome 10+, Opera 10).

  • Ajax Image Upload Integrated – The editor has an integrated AJAX image upload with progressbar.

  • Drag & Drop Images - For everyone that uses Firefox or Chrome, you can simply upload an image by dragging it from your source and drop it in the Add/Edit Image popup window. As soon as you drop it, the Live preview will show you the result.

  • Produces Clean HTML code – The Advanced HTML Editor checks and removes all HTML tags so you can get a clean and valid XHTML markup.

  • Full support for dynamic upload paths - now you can choose any dynamic data as sub folder to make dynamic paths possible

  • Full table editor integrated - You can edit your table any time you want from the context menu or from all the available options on the toolbar.

  • Inline selection based smart context menu - For a quick edit, you can use the context menu, available in the editor.

  • Multi language - Multiple languages for the Advanced HTML Editor 3menus available.

  • Inline property dialogs - Color pickers, Images upload, Tables and many more supplied in the editor.

  • Full Undo/Redo manager built in – Single-step and multi-level undo/redo capabilities.

  • Full screen mode - For greater preview of your work in the editor you can always set it up to full screen mode, which will fit your browser size.

  • Different Skins and Iconsets - The Advanced HTML Editor 3is supplied with different skins to fit your website design perfectly.


  • Full Toolbar Customization and Preview - Live preview of the selected toolbars and iconsets as well as the position of the toolbars, which can be changed any time.

  • Full compatibility with iPad! You can now use the editor on your iPad for content editing! Note that iOS 5+ is required.
  • Amazing HTML code mode with color coding just like in Dreamweaver so you will feel like home.

  • Smart CSS Styles dropdown! Now you can style specific elements like images and tables with their own dedicated classes! Also you can add multiple styles to elements.
*Note: All the CSS classes listed in the CSS Styles dropdown are coming from the file specified as CSS file option in the Advanced HTML Editor 3 dialog in Dreamweaver.

    • The CSS styles drop down is automatically filtered with the selected HTML element. So when you are in a TABLE it will show you the CSS styles valid for a table (like TABLE.someStyle ) or when you have IMAGE tag selected it will show you the CSS styles for the IMG tag. 
  • Fully jQuery powered - Works with the latest jQuery 1.4.4

  • Build in conversion - You can easily convert from Advanced HTML Editor 2 to Advanced HTML Editor 3

  • Dependent file copy and synchronization - Great dependent file copy and synchronizations built-in and integrated with Dreamweaver file upload and site synchronization

  • Full XHTML and HTML5 support

  • Extensive XSS and Script Cleaning – All vulnerable malicious scripts are removed before submitting so that you end up with clean JavaScript code.

  • CSS Styles Support – You can add an extra CSS file to be used for the styling dropdown and be displayed in the Advanced HTML Editor 3. Also, the Advanced HTML Editorpicks up all the CSS styles used on the pages where the editor is on and offers them as choice to the user!

  • Enter Handling - Define your enter handling with paragraph (p tag) or break line (br tag).

  • Copy and Paste from Word - Copyand paste from MS Word and you will get all the content as it was in Word but with a clean HTML formatting automatically. You can also copy and paste from any web page and preserve all the layout and images!

All you need to do is insert your image!

  • Great Integration with Dreamweaver Insert & Update Server Behaviors for storing your content in any database.

  • Great Dreamweaver Integration - Interactive dialog in Dreamweaver with all the options you’ll need.

  • Inline Property Inspector - The property inspector enables you to change several options after you’ve created the Advanced HTML Editor 3 .

DMXzone Nivo Slider Integration

  • Image upload from your Image Gallery Add-on - If you have the Image Gallery Add-on set in your editor, you can select the images directly from the gallery.
  • Images upload from your File Manager Add-on - If you have the File Manager Add-on set in your editor, you can select the images directly from the manager.
  • Timed transitions on slides - You can specify the duration of the slide and the transitions.
  • Title and URL - You can add title and URL to any image you use for the Nivo Slider and also the titles can be HTML.

  • Fully editable settings - If you decide to change any setting at some later point, you can do that from the user friendly interface, where you can set up how the navigation will work and many other options.



Basic Usage

Advanced HTML Editor 3 Main Features Overview
With this movie we will show you how to insert the Advanced HTML Editor 3 on your page and also give you a preview of the main features packed in it.

Using Advanced HTML Editor 3 with Insert Record Behavior
With this movie we will show you how to use Advanced HTML Editor 3 with default Dreamweaver Insert Record Behavior in order to insert its content into a database onsubmit.

Using Advanced HTML Editor 3 with Update Record Behavior
With this movie we will show you how to use Advanced HTML Editor 3 with standard Dreamweaver Update Record Behavior in order to update database records onsubmit.

Open Your Links from Adv HTML Editor 3 in a Lightbox Window
With this movie we will show you how to use DMXzone Lightbox within Advanced HTML Editor 3.


Prepare Your Content Pages for Advanced HTML Editor 3 Content
With this movie we will show you how to prepare your page for the editor content.


Using Advanced HTML Editor 3 with Advanced Conditional Region
With this movie we will show you how to edit your website content with a button on your page that is only visible for logged in administrator.


Dynamic Usage

Insert, Upload and Resize Images in Advanced HTML Editor 3
With this movie we will  show you how easy it is to Upload, Resize and Insert images in Advanced HTML Editor 3 with the integrated Pure ASP Upload 3 and Smart Image Processor ASP 2 support.

Insert, Upload and Resize Images in Advanced HTML Editor 3
With this movie we will  show you how easy it is to Upload, Resize and Insert images in Advanced HTML Editor 3 with the integrated Pure PHP Upload 2 and Smart Image Processor PHP 2 support.

Online Page Editor Add-on

Features Overview of Online Page Editor Add-on
With this movie we will show you the features packed in the Online Page Editor Add-on and how to use them.

Using Online Page Editor Add-on Without FTP on PHP/Linux Server
With this movie we will show you how to insert the Online Page Editor Add-on on your page and how to set up the Page Edit Security settings on PHP/Linux server.

Using Online Page Editor Add-on Without FTP on Windows IIS Server
In this movie we will show you how to insert the Online Page Editor Add-on on your page and how to set up the Page Edit Security settings on windows IIS server.

Using Ajax Login Box as a Login Method for Online Page Editor Add-on
With this movie we will show you how easy it is to use the Ajax Login Box as a login method for Online Page Editor Add-on.

Using Online Page Editor Add-on with Dreamweaver Templates
With this movie we will show you how to use the Online Page Editor Add-on with Dreamweaver Templates.

Image Gallery Add-on

Features Overview and Setting Up Image Gallery Add-on
With this movie we will show you how to enable the Image Gallery Add-on in your Advanced HTML Editor 3 and the main features packed in it.

Using Image Gallery Add-on in the Browser
With this movie we will show you how to use the Image Gallery Add-on as part of your Advanced HTML Editor 3 in the browser.

Upload and Manage Images in Advanced HTML Editor 3 on ASP Server
With this movie we will show you how to allow your users to upload and manage images in Advanced HTML Editor 3 on ASP server.

Upload and Manage Images in Advanced HTML Editor 3 on PHP/Linux Server
With this movie we will show you how to allow your users to upload and manage images in Advanced HTML Editor 3 on PHP/Linux server.

Picasa Gallery Add-on

Picasa Gallery Add-on Features Overview and Usage
With this movie we will show you the main features packed in Picasa Gallery Add-on and how to use it.

YouTubizer Add-on

YouTubizer Add-on Features Overview and Usage
With this movie we will show you the main features packed in YouTubizer Add-on and how to use it.


DMXzone Nivo Slider

Using DMXzone Nivo Slider as an Add-on for the Advanced HTML Editor 3
With this movie we will show you how to use DMXzone Nivo Slider as an Add-on with the Advanced HTML Editor 3.


Using DMXzone Nivo Slider with Online Page Editor
With this movie we will show you how to use DMXzone Nivo Slider with Online Page Editor Add-on in order to insert and edit an image slider on your page.


HTML5 Slideshow

Integrating the HTML5 Slideshow within the Advanced HTML Editor 3
With this movie we will show you how to integrate HTML5 Slideshow in Advanced HTML Editor 3.


Using HTML5 Slideshow with Online Page Editor
With this movie we will show you how to use the HTML5 Slideshow with Online Page Editor Add-on.


DMXzone Tabs

Multi Language Insert Record Page in Advanced HTML Editor 3
With this movie we will show you how to use DMXzone Tabs and Advanced HTML Editor 3 in order to create a multi language insert record page in Dreamweaver.




Type: Behavior
License: External link
Product: Dreamweaver CS3, Dreamweaver CS4, Dreamweaver CS5/CS5.5 and CS6, Dreamweaver CC+
Platform: Win XP/2000/2003/2008/7, Mac OS X, Mac OS X 10.4+
Browser: IE 7, IE 8, IE 9, Safari 5+, Firefox 3.6, Firefox 4+, Chrome 10+
Screen Shot: External link
Tags: HTML, editor, CSS, image, text, upload, resize, jquery


Version 3.5.6

  • Improved Dreamweaver CC 2015 compatibility 

Version 3.5.5

  • Improved compatibility with the latest HTML5 Data Bindings and related extensions
  • Improved compatibility with the latest jQuery UI components
  • Improved compatibility with the latest 64 bit Dreamweaver CC 2014
  • minor bug fixes and other improvement

Version 3.5.4

  • Included the latest jQuery 1.11.1
  • Improved for Dreamweaver CC 2014
  • Improved for DMXzone Extension Manager

Version 3.5.3

  • Fixed a rare bug where initial content from the editor can disappear in Chrome and Firefox.

Version 3.5.2

  • Fixed editor toolbar in Chrome 32 and above

Version 3.5.1

  • Fixed setting font size action for Google Chrome

Version 3.5.0

  • Full Internet Explorer 11 support! Finally, you can use the editor in the latest Internet Explorer and enjoy its powers!
  • New cool Bootstrap style toolbar icons in 3 sizes! Now the editor fits perfectly in sites designed with the DMXzone Bootstrap extension!
  • New iPad and iPad Flat styles for amazing mobile and tablet styling of your editor!
  • Dreamweaver UI restyled!
  • Latest jQuery 1.10.2 Included
  • Various browser bugs fixed

Version 3.4.1

  • Improved synchronization with HTML5 Data Bindings
  • Fixed the Find & Replace dialogs
  • Improved color picker dialog
  • Improved rendering of bold and italic to be with HTML tags and not style attributes in all browsers

Version 3.4.0

  • Full support for HTML5 Data Bindings and DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP for setting, retrieving and synchronizing dynamic data with the editor!
  • Full support for DMXzone Database Updater PHP/ASP for saving the entered content in any database through AJAX
  • Improved content editing tracking for detecting changes
  • Improved compatibility of the basic add-ons path browser and resizer with the latest jQuery
  • Various minor bug fixes in content editing with different browsers

Version 3.3.5

  • Full Dreamweaver CC and Extension Manager CC support
  • Included new Behavior Connector with restyled UI and better Mac OSX Support
  • Updated the automatic file copy and update component for better Dreamweaver CC support
  • Improved compatibility with the latest jQuery
  • Included latest jQuery 1.10.1
  • Improved Windows 8 compatibility

Version 3.3.4

  • Fully compatible with the new Pure PHP Upload 3
  • New CSS styling:  Now, it can be applied to inline selections as well as next to block elements
  • Improved touch support for iOS and Android based devices
  • Included the latest stable jQuery 1.8.3
  • Improved installed for Dreamweaver CS6 on Mac

Version 3.3.3 

  • Improved settings default background & text color when used with Online Page Editor
  • Improved CSS styling
  • Some improvements for older IE versions
  • Improved compatibility with Dreamweaver 12.1 (Adobe Creative Cloud)

Version 3.3.2

  • New translations added Spanish and Catalan
  • Improved language detection and translations loading
  • Improved Enable AHE3 Content Page Command
  • Improved file compression for even smaller file sizes
  • Improved Dreamweaver integration and Editor Add-ons support
  • New improved version of the dynamic loader requireJS
  • Improved installer for for DW CS 5.5+ and Mac DW CS6

Version 3.3.1

  • Restyled all built-in dialogs for consistency and also user friendlier on touch devices
  • Improved compatibility with CSS frameworks like Twitter Bootstrap and 960 Grid System
  • Added support for dynamic editor name attribute for support with ADDT
  • Improved integration with add-ons that use dynamic code
  • Compatibility with the latest jQuery 1.7.2
  • New logo and design in Dreamweaver
  • Removed some unused code view icons from DW
  • Fixed some browser bugs

Version 3.3.0

  • Full compatibility with iPad! You can now use the editor on your iPad for content editing! Note that iOS 5+ is required.
  • New amazing HTML code mode with color coding just like in Dreamweaver so you will feel like home.
  • New Smart CSS Styles dropdown! Now you can style specific elements like images and tables with their own dedicated classes! Also you can add multiple styles to elements.
  • Improved Webkit support (Safari and Chrome)
  • Improved keys handling
  • Improved extension installation 

Version 3.2.2

  • Improved compatibility with jQuery UI and the new DMXzone Calendar 2
  • Extended the color dialog with gray colors
  • Improved compatibility with Spry Tabs
  • Improved Dreamweaver integration

Version 3.2.1

  • Support for HTML5 Slideshow as Add-on
  • Extended Link dialog with File Manager as file pickup when available!
  • Allow Description to be entered next to title and link in the Link dialog, when used in add-ons like HTML5 Slideshow and DMXzone Nivo Slider
  • Improved filtering of JavaScript code
  • Add-ons can now be fully translatable, just like the editor
  • Various fixes for IE8
  • Improved Dreamweaver integration - now all options generate valid JSON

Version 3.2.0

  • Now with DMXzone Nivo Slider integration
  • New Find and Replace functionality added
  • Separate Find button and Search & Replace button
  • New short-cut keys:
    • CTRL+F : Open find dialog
    • CTRL+H : Open replace dialog
    • F3 : Find next (selection as search parameter)
  • New DW command - Enable Page to have Advanced HTML Editor Content; to be applied on each page that uses content from the editor. It will then also automatically link and copy all needed external files, like CSS and JS libraries.
  • DMXzone Lightbox support in the Link dialog
  • File Manager can now be used as image pickup dialog for add-ons like the DMXzone Nivo Slider
  • Improved compatibility with IE7

Version 3.1.0

  • Huge speed improvement - editor loads now much faster and is quickly ready to use!
  • Using CSS Sprites for loading toolbar icons - so the toolbar is just a single image and loads very fast!
  • Improved multiple editor instances on the same page
  • Improved working of the editor in tabs and other hidden areas
  • Better CSS styles filtering in the styles drop down in the toolbar
  • Improved layout and styling of the font type, font size and styling drop downs in the toolbar
  • Text formatting toolbar icons are always enabled now and work following the MS Word standard
  • Text align and blockquote actions improved and made the same for all browsers
  • Table editing,inserting nested tables and cell properties are available in the toolbar now.
  • Using UTF-8 as page encoding is no longer required - you can use any character set encoding on your page as you like
  • Improved handling of special HTML entities and detection of Unicode usage
  • Universal enter handling implemented so pressing the enter key behaves the same in all browsers
  • Improved (X)HTML filtering
  • Speeding up in loading editor language translations
  • Improved editor add-ons support in IE8
  • Improved editor add-ons loading speed
  • Improved editor resize and autosize Add-ons
  • Editor size more consequent - it is now the size for the whole editor including the toolbars
  • Improved editor dialogs and their extensibility.
  • Greatly reduced minimum editor width so it can be place even in the smallest areas - very handy in combination with Online Page Editor Add-on
  • Added IE7 compatibility! No more weird html is generated when using IE7
  • Fixed editing of form fields
  • Fixed inserting of weird unicode characters in some occasions 

Version 3.0.3

  • Improved compatibility with other add-ons like YouTubizer Add-on that have their own design time preview
  • Full support for dynamic upload paths - now you can choose any dynamic data as sub folder to make dynamic paths possible
  • Auto include now also the inline CSS page styles when used with Online Page Editor Add-on
  • New Editor background and text color options
  • New Link Handling option to specify how links should be store relative, absolute or as full URLs
  • Improved MS Word Cleaning
  • Enforce UTF-8 page encoding automatically

Version 3.0.2

  • Added support for Add-on extensions. Now a new tab is available on the editor dialog in DW dedicated to add-ons
  • Two new built-in add-ons are available:
    • Resizer for making your editor resizable
    • Path Browser - to show the currently selected HTML tags and their path
  • Full support for the Image gallery Add-on for fully manageable image gallery
  • Great improvements of the image dialog. Now it shows upload progress even better
  • Improved upload of images with unicode in their filename in ASP
  • Minified CSS files now for faster loading
  • Improved translation files loading
  • Added French localization

Version 3.0.1

  • Full support for Online Page Editor Add-on.
  • New option to choose if you want to give focus the editor on page load or not.
  • Improved enter handling.
  • Various improvements and bug fixes for the browsers.
  • Full support for site root relative sites. When this option is chosen in the Dreamweaver site definition, all paths are absolute to the site root.
  • Shows a Server Technology choice when image upload & resize is selected but a static site is defined in Dreamweaver.

Update Procedure:

  • Install the new version
  • Restart Dreamweaver
  • Open the Advanced HTML Editor 3 user dialog to insert the new files
  • Open the Add-ons user dialogs and click OK (optional if you have Add-ons installed) 
  • Click OK and you're done


George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

See All Postings From George Petrov >>


RVL webdesignstudio is upgrading to Advanced HTML Editor 3!

May 20, 2011 by RVL webdesignstudio

We recently upgraded our own developed CMS from Advanced HTML Editor 2 to the new released Advanced HTML Editor 3.
Our customers loves this tool!
They took advantage of the new add-ons YouTubizer and Picasa Gallery. Creating content was never so easy for our customers.

The implementation of this new Editor went very easy: we deleted the old Editor (some CSS code we had to delete manualy...) and inserted the new Editor 3. The sync tool of DMXzone uploaded all the necesary files to the webserver. Thats all.

Some customers which use the Editor:

Screenshot Editor 3

RVL webdesignstudio is a freelance webstudio based in the Netherlands.
We are specialised in Content Management, Webdesign and E-commerce.
RVL webdesignstudio is a very statisfied customer of since 2002.

Effective CMS

June 9, 2011 by Jon Wilmesherr

I gave it and the Online Add-On 5 Stars.  Your online chat help is excellent.  We are using it with multiple login scripts and in a very tightly buttoned up template, so we are generating the files in a dummy template and transposing the files and links where they need to go.  It took a while to get it right (because of our template structure) but in the long run we are going to have many different people editing their parts of our college's website.  You all may consider how to market and deploy it for non-template sites (it works fine with them).  It is a very powerful tool and is allowing us to give up using (buying) Contribute.  Thanks for a wonderful solution!

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