Showcase Your Products in a Vertical Slider

January 7, 2013

Make your slides change vertically

We already showed you two showcases with our upcoming HTML5 Parallax Slider - how to control the slides with behaviors and a simple horizontal slider, and now we have a new one for you. This time we made the transition from slide to slide vertically. With just two pictures and a simple text in every slide, we were able to create an awesome 3D feeling and present our product with style with just a few clicks.

The Story

Parallax Sliding Wines Showcase

For this showcase we made a simple page to present variety of wines. With the help of our HTML5 Parallax Slider, we created a container with three different slides. In every slide we have three elements - two images and a text. With the Z-index we set the appearance in the following order - first the image with the wine, next the text and finally a glass of wine. Finally we made the slides to slide vertically.



Mentioned Extensions


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