App Connect JSON Data Source Support

Use every .json file as a data source

App Connect JSON Data Source will enrich your projects by allowing you to bind .json data easier than ever! Actually, JSON format is just a simple text and that's a huge advantage, so you can expect fast performance and great loading speed.

It's perfect for dynamic-driven web projects: you can feed them with self-hosted JSON, containing all sorts of information like weather services, currency exchange, fuel prices or similar.

Using Repeat and Repeat Children will help you to build complicated systems by the clear interface of App Connect panel.

This extension requires DMXzone App Connect
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Use .json file as a data source

Every .json file can become your data source, just like a regular database

Hosted files

You can link a file hosted on your server or link

Repeat and Repeat Children

Use it to feed your data-driven systems

Simple and clear interface

Integrated visual tools and server code generation

Best performance

JSON is just a light text format, so the parsing speed is great


Simple user interface

After adding a JSON Data Source from App Connect panel, a clear and super easy properties window is appearing. Just set an ID, link a file and it's ready to use!

JSON instead of database? Feed your websites

There are a bunch of cases when you can use JSON instead of database. For example, if you want to feed your system, set dropdown options (like city, currency, etc.), create a listing... It's fast and light to parse.

Clear view in the App Structure

JSON Data Source is placed in the App Structure part of the App Connect panel in your Dreamweaver. You can follow the flow and make it clearer than ever!

Repeat and Repeat Children options

Use Repeat and Repeat Children to complete more complex projects, like CMS, listings, job boards. All of your data will be reproduced on page - exactly where you want!

Nested JSON structure

You can use complex JSON files with nested data! So simple and user friendly, of course - no coding skills!

Add JSON Data Source from the App Connect panel

It's easy to use the extension! Just add it from the App Structure, selecting Data and then JSON Data Source. That's all!

Every .json accepted

That extension is supporting every regular private or public .json file. You can use exported data or a manually created file to display data on your website!



Required Extensions: DMXzone App Connect

George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

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