Cascade Record & Image Deletes

This tutorial is the third of a three part series on image delete options. Unlike the other two tutorials we will be not working with George Petrov's Pure ASP upload behavior on this page. Instead we will look at how to remove related records and the images associated with them when deleting a master record. By controlling orphaned records we keep the database tables clean and our applications run faster with fewer resources consumed. It only makes sense to remove images associated with the deleted records as well, again conserving server resources.

The Delete Code

First we need to add the functions for the image deletes. I use the functions from Marcellino Bommezijn’s excellent tutorial on image deletes. These can be added to the page or—better yet--in an include file.

Function newFileSystemObject()
set newFileSystemObject=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
End Function
Function fileExists(aFileSpec)
End Function

Find the UD delete SB and look for the comment in bold grey type below. This is where we create the File Scripting Object (FSO) that will handle the category image deletes, set variable values for the path and image names for rs_categories, then call Marcellino Bommezijn’s functions to delete any rs_categories image that exists.

' *** Delete Record: construct a sql delete statement and execute it
If (CStr(Request("MM_delete")) <> "" And CStr(Request("MM_recordId")) <> "") Then
  ' create the sql delete statement
MM_editQuery = "delete from " & MM_editTable & " where " & MM_editColumn & " = " & MM_recordId
If (Not MM_abortEdit) Then
' execute the delete
Set MM_editCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection = MM_editConnection

Find the edit connection line of the delete SB shown bold in the line above—it’s the last line before the UD delete SB executes--and make some space because here’s where the magic happens.

' This is where we delete the category image file before we delete the record!
 Set File = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 ImagePath = Server.MapPath("..\site_images\")
 ImagePath = ImagePath & "\" & (rs_categories.Fields.Item("Category_Image").Value)
 ' check if file exists and if true delete the category image file
 If fileExists(ImagePath) Then
 End If

Now that we’ve taken care of the Product_Categories image, we must nest the repeat regions we created earlier and modify them to perform image deletes. This allows us to employ our repeat regions to loop through the rs_products and rs_versions tables and extract values for the image deletes. Insert the opening “While Wend” statement from the rs_products repeat region we created earlier.

' loop through rs_products
While ((Repeat1__numRows <> 0) AND (NOT rs_products.EOF)) 

Before we delete our product images, however, we need to delete the rs_versions images. Remember the rs_versions recordset we created above uses the rs_products(“P_ID”) value to select related rs_versions records marked for deletion and extract the image field values. So we add our rs_versions “While Wend” statement immediately below the rs_products “While Wend.”

' loop through and delete version images using a nested repeat behavior
While ((VRepeat1__numRows <> 0) AND (NOT rs_versions.EOF))

Now that we have collected all the image values, we create our rs_versions (FSO) and set variables for the image path and name values, and call Marcellino Bommezijn’s functions to perform the file delete as above. Make sure you make the modifications needed to pull image name values from rs_versions. If the path to your version images is different you will need to change that as well.

Set File = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ImagePath = Server.MapPath("..\site_images\")
ImagePath = ImagePath & "\" & (rs_versions.Fields.Item("Version_Image").Value)
' check if file exists and if true delete the file
If fileExists(ImagePath) Then
End If  
‘close rs_versions repeat region

Okay, now that we’ve taken care of the version images we close the rs_versions nested loop and re-enter the rs_products loop to perform the rs_products image delete. Again add the FSO and delete code.

’fall out of rs_versions loop and delete rs_product image
Set File = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ImagePath = Server.MapPath("..\site_images\")
ImagePath = ImagePath & "\" & (rs_products.Fields.Item("P_Image").Value)
' check if file exists and if true delete the file
If fileExists(ImagePath) Then
End If 
Set File = Nothing   
‘close rs_products repeat region

That’s all there is to it. The stock UD generated code deletes the rs_categories record and the relationships we created in our access database cascades the delete to related records in the Products and Versions tables.

'Execute record delete
MM_editCmd.CommandText = MM_editQuery
 If (MM_editRedirectUrl <> "") Then
End If
End If
End If

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James Threadgill

James ThreadgillJames Threadgill has authored numerous tutorials on ASP and ASP.NET web development, published on such sites as the Dynamic Zones and MSDN Accademic Alliance. He co-authored the Sam's book Dreamweaver MX: ASP.NET Web Development.

James first began computer programming in 1995 while attending Alvin Community College. He completed a certificate of computer science program and an Associate of Arts degree at Alvin before going on to the University of Houston-Clear Lake where he was awarded a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Arts.

James publishes fiction, poetry, and visual arts under the name Wayne James. His fiction first appeared in Raconteur in 1995 and since has been published numerous times: in Hadrosaur Tales 5 and 7, Bayousphere, and in the Write Gallery e-zine. His poetry first appeared in the small press magazine Lucidity in 1996 and has been published numerous times since. His collection of fiction and poetry, When Only the Moon Rages, was released in 2000. Most recently his work appeared in Tales of the Talisman winter 2010 and spring 2011 issues. James currently attends graduate school at the University of Houston and owns and operates small web design and internet marketing firm, WWWeb Concepts, with his wife, Karen, in Houston, TX USA.

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DMX 2004 and the Cascade delete

June 10, 2004 by Kenny Darcy
Firstly thank you for your tutorials, I am very grateful. I am going to give the Cascade Record and Images deletes a go and was wondering, using mx2004 has things changed any to make it a little easier to do this.



RE: DMX 2004 and the Cascade delete

February 18, 2006 by James Threadgill

You are welcome, Kenny. I was quite ill when you posted, but I'm back now!

Cascading file deletes are pretty complex considering the loops required. I wouldn't expect DMX to make this sort of thing point and click anytime soon.

RE: RE: DMX 2004 and the Cascade delete

February 18, 2006 by Kenny Darcy
Ah ha! Thanks for the reply Wayne, and great to hear your  better. I did do your tutorial back then and it all worked fine.

re " I wouldn't expect DMX to make this sort of thing point and click anytime soon."

I have found the MX Kollection from Interakt does just that.



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