Blog II: Three-Column Layout Modifications

Last week I promised the coding wizards out there that you could shake your collective heads at my efforts with PHP and MySQL this week. However, despite my lack of skills and with a little help from my server manager, I managed to upload WordPress 1.5. From that point, with very little further help, I added a three-column template and modified it to suit my needs. Therefore, I wrote this piece for any designer (or beginning coder) who longs for a three-column personal blog, but who freaks out when she views a string of letters, numbers, and punctuation marks that look like an alien language. A warning, however: You must at least have access to an FTP program and you must know how to use it.

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Can the Designer Make Code?

If you believe that PHP and MySQL are pills for your pet, then you need help if you want to create or modify a blog. The easiest way to acclimate yourself to the blog biosphere is to read Rachel Andrew’s articles about blogs that are filed here at First, read the beginning of her article, Creating a Blog, and then open a free account at to hone your skills. is user-friendly and your mistakes won’t kill anything. But, you’ll save yourself some headaches if you cut, paste, and back up your pages to text files on your computer, and if you pay special attention to the pages below, even before you register.

Linda Goin

Linda GoinLinda Goin carries an A.A. in graphic design, a B.F.A. in visual communications with a minor in business and marketing and an M.A. in American History with a minor in the Reformation. While the latter degree doesn't seem to fit with the first two educational experiences, Linda used her 25-year design expertise on archaeological digs and in the study of material culture. Now she uses her education and experiences in social media experiments.

Accolades for her work include fifteen first-place Colorado Press Association awards, numerous fine art and graphic design awards, and interviews about content development with The Wall St. Journal, Chicago Tribune, Psychology Today, and L.A. Times.

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