Google Maps Directions Add-on Coming on Wednesday

July 11, 2011

Display the best route with directions!

With the release of DMXzone Google Maps you can add markers on interactive, annotated maps and integrate them in your websites. Why not add directions as well? Our developers are currently working on a fantastic Google Maps Directions Add-on with which you'll be able to display full directions list, use browser current location as a start, change the direction at any point and many many more.

Below you can explore the features highlights packed in this Add-on and tomorrow you'll give you more detailed information on how it works so stay tuned!

The Story


Features Highlights:

  • Directions Panel Size - Choose the size of the panel where the directions will be displayed.
  • Starting Point - Set a location where your direction will start from.
  • Travel mode - Choose the type of transport you need directions for - driving, cycling or walking
  • Unit system - The destination can be displayed in Metric (km) or Imperial (miles)
  • Display full directions list - Show every check point of the route.
  • Draggable Route Marker - Change the directions at any point you want by simply dragging the marker on the map.
  • Route Alternatives - Google Maps always have alternative routes. If you wish to display them, check the Provide Route Alternatives checkbox. 
  • Display a full route visually on Google Maps
  • Display a route from the Google Maps marker to address entered with Ajax AutoComplete - this way you can have for example Google map with your office and an Autocomplete control to let the user enter their current address to start the route from
  • Use Browser Current Location - the Google Maps Direction Add-on can detect if the user browser supports Geo location (most recent browsers do) and if it does it can enter it as start address in the Ajax AutoComplete control.
  • Show the shortest route automatically - when you have a Google Maps with multiple markers in it (for example your different branches) and the user enters its address in the Ajax AutoComplete control, the the route to the closest branch is automatically chosen!


Mentioned Extensions

Lubov Cholakova

Lubov CholakovaLubov has been with DMXzone for 8 years now, contributing to the Content and Sales departments. She is bringing high quality content in the form of daily blog updates, reviews, tutorials, news, newsletters,update emails and extensions' manuals. If you have a product that needs publicity or any other questions about the entire DMXzone community, she is the one you can contact.

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