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Display a Specific Number of Random Products

We continue with our video tutorials series to help you work with our extensions effectively and with ease. Most of our Dreamweaver tools have a wide range of application and today we'll show you how to display a specific number of random products in a section of your page, using HTML5 Data Bindings, DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP and also HTML5 Database Formatter.

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Exporting Dynamic HTML Table to PDF

In today's video tutorial we'll show you how easily you can dynamic HTML table to PDF, using our HTML5 Data Bindings and Universal Data Exporter PHP/ASP. In order to do that we added a simple form on our page and created a data source with HTML5 Data Bindings. Finally, we applied export to PDF behavior on a simple button.

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What You Missed This Week

This week we continued to improve the rest of our Database extensions and now DMXzone Security Provider PHP/ASP, Database Updater PHP/ASP and Database Connector PHP/ASP are updated for our newly released Data Bindings SEO PHP/ASP. Make sure to check out the video tutorials, our latest showcases that feature the Database extensions as well as the current sales for special discounts.

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Displaying a Notification When Users Log In

Today, we have a video tutorial, where we'll walk you through the process of displaying a notification when users log into your website. In just a few easy steps you'll add DMXzone Security Provider PHP/ASP, use the Security Provider Executor behaviors in order to display a notification with HTML5 Responsive Notify, and personalize the message using the ##identity## mask, which returns the username.

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Security Provider Improved and on Sale

For the past week we improved almost all of our Database extensions and today, we have the last but not the least important - DMXzone Security Provider PHP/ASP. Fully compatible with our newly released with HTML5 Data Bindings SEO PHP/ASP, it allows you to apply advanced security restrictions to your website or web app.The DMXzone Security Provider PHP/ASP is also featured in our latest showcase, where you can explore it online, directly in your browser.

Until next Wednesday DMXzone Security Provider PHP/ASP can be bought with a discount in our extensions section.

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Database Updater Improved for SEO and on Sale

DMXzone Database Updater PHP/ASP is our next extension that gets power boost with the release of HTML5 Data Bindings SEO PHP/ASP. Our developers also added improved include path for PHP when using site relative URLs and version number in the server side source files. In our latest tutorial you'll learn how to filter results as you type without the need of a search button, using a few of our awesome extensions.

Until next Wednesday DMXzone Database Updater PHP/ASP is on sale in our extensions section. Make sure to check all current DMXzone sales so that you can additionally benefit from the multiple purchase discount.

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Database Connector Improved and on Sale

We're starting the week with more improved extensions and today we have DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP on the line. The extension features a built-in connection wizard where you can define and manage your connections to all well known databases. In the improved version our developers added database metadata refresh , and now it also refreshes the views. We also have a video tutorial on how to search in multiple database columns using a single search field, which you can watch below.

Until next Wednesday DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP is on sale with a great discount.

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What You Missed This Week

This week our developers made available our latest Dreamweaver extension - the HTML5 Data Bindings SEO PHP/ASP. The extension contains a fast server side rendering engine that emulates the web browser behavior and renders all dynamic data fully on the server so it is available directly to all search engine crawlers. No need for static HTML snapshots of your site. Also, we released an improved version of HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter.

Until next Wednesday HTML5 Data Bindings SEO PHP/ASP and HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter are on sale so hurry up!

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HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter Improved for SEO

We have another improved extension this week that comes with full compatibility with our latest HTML5 Data Bindings SEO PHP/ASP - the HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter. Conditional display and formatting, improved custom date and time formatting, advanced data filtering and transformations are just a few of the hot features in this awesome extension! You can see the updated HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter in action in our newest showcase below.

For a week the HTML5 Data Bindings SEO PHP/ASP and HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter are on sale so hurry up if you still don't have them.

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HTML5 Data Bindings SEO Released and on Sale

Today we're happy to announce the official release of our most advanced search engine optimization extension for Ajax Apps - HTML5 Data Bindings SEO PHP/ASP. Together with the newly improved HTML5 Data Bindings, this Dreamweaver tool is exactly what you need to create AJAX Apps with searchable dynamic content, instantly. It contains a fast server side rendering engine that emulates the web browser behavior and renders all dynamic data fully on the server so it is available directly to all search engine crawlers. Note that it's available in both PHP and ASP versions.

Until next Wednesday you can get the HTML5 Data Bindings SEO PHP/ASP with a discount!

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