Sliding Panels Support Product Page


How do I create a new Sliding Panel style that will show up in Design List?

Asked 17 Jul 2014 21:46:53
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17 Jul 2014 21:46:53 David Slentz posted:
I read (somewhere in the forums) that when I modify my Sliding Panel style (color, backgrounds, etc.), I should save those styles in a directory separate from where Sliding Panels stores its styles -- so that Sliding Panels does not overwrite the changes I made.
I believe I have done that successfully, but is it possible for my own version of Sliding Panels to show up as an option in the Design List in the Properties when I use it in designing other websites?


Replied 18 Jul 2014 07:28:23
18 Jul 2014 07:28:23 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello David,
Unfortunately it is not possible to show your version of Sliding Panels design as an option in the Design List in the Properties .

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