Sliding Panels Support Product Page

Under investigation

failed to send response back to product with PCD entry - Dreamweaver 12.0

Reported 23 Sep 2014 19:26:07
has this problem
23 Sep 2014 19:26:07 wendy hoile posted:
Why do I get this message? I originally tried to reload sliding panels as I changed the Css and it wouldn't go back to default. Now I can't get it to come up at all even though it appears as an extension in Dreamweaver Insert - Dmx Zone - Sliding Panels


Replied 24 Sep 2014 07:08:45
24 Sep 2014 07:08:45 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Wendy,
This error message should not be an issue. The extension should be called from within the Insert Panel (Window > Insert) not from the Insert top menu.
Also - try installing the extension using DMXzone Extension Manager -

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