Google Maps Directions Add-on Support Product Page


Google Maps directions add-on problem

Asked 27 Dec 2012 21:39:15
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27 Dec 2012 21:39:15 Bryan Page posted:
I have purchased and installed Google Maps, Directions add-on and Ajax Auto-fill all for Dreamweaver CS5.5 I can insert a map on a page no problem, it functions as I would expect.

The Directions add-on is another thing though - following the instructions on using the Auto-fill extension seems to make sense, I hit a brick wall every time I try to insert the Directions Add-on. Checking the video (the last video) it shows how to insert a start point with your pin as the end point - it clicks on the Auto-fill field to select it, then goes to the area to the right of the map, clicks on it and then inserts the directions at that point, when I try that the Auto-fill field becomes deselected and I end up with the map going missing on preview, inspection of the generated code shows the map code missing.I notice also that the Directions add-on is later than that of the video.



Replied 02 Jan 2013 09:32:58
02 Jan 2013 09:32:58 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Bryan.

The sequence of adding the extensions is
Google Maps.
Google Maps directions add-on

Replied 02 Jan 2013 10:04:59
02 Jan 2013 10:04:59 Bryan Page replied:
Thanks for your response, I managed to get it to work.



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