DMXzone Supersized Support Product Page

How do I change background color and fade in 1 image?

Asked 09 Oct 2012 10:35:30
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09 Oct 2012 10:35:30 Andre Bender posted:
I'd like to have a green background while the image is loading then let the image fade in (only 1). How can I accomplish this, it doesn't seem to work.

I changed: #supersized li { display:block; list-style:none; z-index:-30; position:fixed; overflow:hidden; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; background-color: #31562d; }

but the background is still white.

Also slideshow animation doesn't seem to work, no fading-in.


{"design": "blue", "transition": 1, "transition_speed": 3000, "pause_hover": true, "keyboard_nav": false, "performance": 0, "vertical_center": false, "horizontal_center": false, "fit_portrait": false, "slide_links": "", "thumb_links": false, "arrows_navigation": false, "play_pause_btn": false, "slides_titles": false, "slide_counter": false, "slides": [{"image": "../../cgi-bin/pagedata/fotosbackground/ozeanium_01.jpg", "title": "", "url": "", "thumb": "", "type": 2, "onClick": "", "onShow": "", "onHide": ""}], "progress_bar": false}


Replied 09 Oct 2012 13:07:49
09 Oct 2012 13:07:49 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please provide a link to your page.
Replied 09 Oct 2012 13:14:01
09 Oct 2012 13:14:01 Andre Bender replied:

Thx Teodor

Replied 09 Oct 2012 13:18:49
09 Oct 2012 13:18:49 Andre Bender replied:
Replied 11 Oct 2012 10:31:30
11 Oct 2012 10:31:30 Andre Bender replied:
Any news on this subject? Do you need more inforamtion? Thanks for any help.
Replied 11 Oct 2012 11:04:44
11 Oct 2012 11:04:44 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Andre,

What do you mean to fade one image? The fade effect is only available when there are several images in a slideshow.
Replied 11 Oct 2012 13:29:37
11 Oct 2012 13:29:37 Andre Bender replied:
It looks much nicer, if the image fades-in slowly with a green background instead of "popping-up". Todether with the white background it looks like a "flash". I've tried to use two images, a simply green one and a foto. But because the foto has a dynamic and the green image a static source it didn't work. Should it work?

Nevertheless the white background is really disturbing. But I can't get it changed to green.
Replied 11 Oct 2012 13:58:33
11 Oct 2012 13:58:33 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Unfortunately this is not possible. This is how the browser renders the page before it fully loads.
Replied 11 Oct 2012 14:03:29
11 Oct 2012 14:03:29 Andre Bender replied:
I manged to do this with the old script I used. If the background color is set in a css file the corlor rendering is fast enough not to show up a white screen.

Is the white color somewhere defined in your script? CSS Body or any other div? At whitch level is the last layer you are using? MAybe I can put a div under it with a green background?
Replied 20 Jun 2024 13:22:31
20 Jun 2024 13:22:31 User  replied:
Changing background colors can significantly impact user experience and aesthetic appeal on digital platforms. Whether it's for websites, applications, or presentations, the choice of background color plays a crucial role in conveying information and eliciting emotions. Designers often consider factors such as readability, accessibility, and the psychological effects of colors on different audiences. For instance, a Green personality type might find green backgrounds calming and refreshing, fostering a sense of harmony and balance in their digital environment. The versatility of background color changes allows for creative expression while ensuring content remains visually engaging and contextually relevant.

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