DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Support Product Page


Question about document conversion.

Asked 25 Jan 2014 19:12:43
has this question
25 Jan 2014 19:12:43 M L posted:
When converting a document I get the following error:

A script in file C:\Users\.......\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC\en_US\Configuration\Shared\DMXzone\dmxBootstrap3\dmxBootst rap3_Convert_lib.js has been running for a long time. Do you want to continue?
Yes No

The file I am working with was developed in Bootstrap v2.3.2I am not well versed in Bootstrap I purchased a template I like from Envato and I purchased your 3.0 add-in to be able to easily edit it in Dreamweaver. However now i am not even sure if I need the 3.0 Bootsrap add-on as it seems i am able to edit the file without it???? Also when i disregard the above error aby clicking Yes repeatedly it says that the conversion has completed however lements are missing from the page after the conversion for instance the navigation buttons completely disappear. So I guess since I am just learning about bootstrap and I was looking for an easy way to edit my template in Dreamweaver I guess my question is do I even need the bootsrap 3.0 add on I purchased. I imagen it would be useful for developing new pages but it seems my template works better without it. Any help and guidance would be much appreciated. Thank you!


Replied 27 Jan 2014 09:48:41
27 Jan 2014 09:48:41 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello M L,

The Bootstrap conversion tool converts the Bootstrap 2 code to Bootstrap 3. If the template you are using has some Bootstpra 2 specific custom code(for example css using BS2 classes), we cannot convert this.
The error message you are seeing appears on pages that have large amount of code, but there is nothing to worry about, just click YES, we will improve the script in the next update so this message won't appear.
Can you please provide links to both converted and original pages?
Replied 27 Jan 2014 22:59:56
27 Jan 2014 22:59:56 M L replied:
I think maybe some of my questions have been cleared up. I contacted the developer of the template and I think he was suggesting that converting it would not be ideal. In regards to the missing elements it was missing one of the navigation bars for instance. Seems I am able to edit it fine without converting it so perhaps it is not necessary? Also I guess I can keep the addon to develop Bootstrap 3 pages from scratch? I am supplying links to two development pages 1st one that hasn't been converted and the second after conversion. Am I missing a lot of functionality by not converting? I am happy with the way the current template and it'd funtionality. Your explanation makes great sense i just kept clicking yes on the error and it did say it converted successfully I guess it just had an issue perhaps converting certain elements correctly.

Thank you vrty much for your help!

Is this a public thread?

Bootstrap v2.3.2 original:


After conversion to Bootstrap 3:

Replied 28 Jan 2014 08:44:12
28 Jan 2014 08:44:12 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:

I checked your page - as i thought, the elements on your page that are not bootstrap elements cannot be converted the way you wish and you should fix this manually. The navigation is not a bootstrap navbar also, so it is not converted also.
If this template works fine with the bootstrap 2 code, you can use it as it is.
Of course - you can use the Bootstrap 3 extension in order to build new pages.
Replied 28 Jan 2014 17:46:34
28 Jan 2014 17:46:34 M L replied:
Thank you so much Teodor I understand I apprecite you explaning everything and answering my questions so well. You have been an amazing help to me and the fact that I am getting excellent support likes this means so much!

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