DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Support Product Page


Using extension on existing project/bootstrap configuration

Asked 27 Jan 2014 17:07:55
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27 Jan 2014 17:07:55 Kemie Guaida posted:
I just bought the extension, thinking I can edit an existing project easier. I pointed the extension to the correct css and js files, but it copied lots of supporting files that are duplicates of the ones I had, just in a different location (for example, i had mine at /css, the new ones are at bootstrap/3/css) I guess I can just ignore that, but it does not recognize the pages i have as having bootstrap. any way around this? Do I have to start the project from scratch with the extension in order to use it?


Replied 27 Jan 2014 18:02:29
27 Jan 2014 18:02:29 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Kemie,
Is your project based on Boostrap3 or is it based on Bootstrap 2?
Replied 27 Jan 2014 18:05:57
27 Jan 2014 18:05:57 Kemie Guaida replied:
Hi, it's Bootstrap3. If it makes any difference I'm compiling my own bootstrap.min.css from the .less files
Replied 27 Jan 2014 18:08:28
27 Jan 2014 18:08:28 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please go to - Commands > Bootstrap 3 Options and adjust the settings/browse to the right locations.
Replied 28 Jan 2014 23:58:34
28 Jan 2014 23:58:34 Kemie Guaida replied:
Not really working. I specify paths to my bootstrap.css, theme.css and bootstrap.js, and still the panel shows "Open a page using bootstrap"
Replied 29 Jan 2014 08:06:01
29 Jan 2014 08:06:01 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
If the panel info isn't updating and you see this message after you specified the paths to your custom files, this may be caused by a corrupted Dreamweaver cache file. Please clear the cache of your Dreamweaver:
Replied 29 Jan 2014 21:40:34
29 Jan 2014 21:40:34 Kemie Guaida replied:
Cleared the cache, installed the new version of the extension. Still not working:
Replied 30 Jan 2014 10:23:24
30 Jan 2014 10:23:24 George Petrov replied:
Hi Kemie,

For the DMXzone Bootstrap 3 extension the bootstrap files really need to be in the /bootstrap/3/css folder of your site. This is used to determine which version of bootstrap are you using.

So please make sure you place your generated files in there and everything will be recognized.


Replied 31 Jan 2014 13:28:44
31 Jan 2014 13:28:44 Kemie Guaida replied:
That´s really too bad as it means I must change lots of existing pages.
Why let users choose a location if there is only one "right" one?

Thanks for the help
Replied 31 Jan 2014 13:33:07
31 Jan 2014 13:33:07 George Petrov replied:
Hi Kemie,

This is because we doesn't want to break any existing bootstrap 2 pages/sites and allow bootstrap 2 pages to work just fine next to bootstrap 3 pages.

So it is a transitional and compatibility thing.

This reply was removed on 1/31/2014 4:34:09 PM.
See the changelog
Replied 14 Feb 2014 19:08:46
14 Feb 2014 19:08:46 John Prince replied:
This is a late response, however..
If we specify a new location for the bootstrap distribution, should not the extension honor the new path?
Our latest installation allows us to change the options to new paths..
This generates an error, however it appears to accept it..

Assuming the setting are global I would expect if I create a new site, these
changes should be utilized, however..
While the "options" show the new "custom" path, the files are installed into the "default extension path".

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