DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Support Product Page


CSS Implementation using Bootstrap 3 Extension in Dreamweaver CC

Asked 21 May 2014 19:51:11
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21 May 2014 19:51:11 matt Vessell posted:
I am finding that Bootstrap is easy for creating grid layouts, but I am still confused on how to style the css. I am definitely not a programmer, and typically use the CSS Designer panel to create and modify my css styling in Dreamweaver CC. Can you recommend an actual tutorial for clear steps on creating the css styling?


Replied 22 May 2014 09:02:42
22 May 2014 09:02:42 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Matt,
The bootstrap core css file are locked so they cannot be changed using the CSS Designer Panel.
Please create a separate css file where you store the changes and include it after the bootstrap css file.

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