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PHAkt connections filetype suffix headaches!

Posted 12 Oct 2001 12:37:19
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12 Oct 2001 12:37:19 Thom Brooks posted:
Hello! I apologize in advance if my message ends up looking the way it did in the preview! (All Lumped Together.) Not sure how to use Forum Code to break up my paragraphs. Anyway --

I have been coding with PHP for a few years and thought I would give UltraDev a try, see if it would speed things up for me.

Spent a while downloading all the updates and PHAkt, and JDBC drivers, etc, and then tried to install everything. I got the MySQL driver. I don't think this is a platform-specific issue, but I'm on a mac, fwiw.

My big issue came when I tried to 'Create Connection'. I entered all the values, and clicked the test button. Whoo! The test went fine! Connection established!

However, then once I said, "Ok", I'm done, let's keep movin', the 'Data Bindings' window still said I had to define a connection! And the connections window didn't show the connection with the name I'd just created! (WTF?!?!?)

After a LOT of poking around and looking at .js files and so forth (neat extensible interface!), I FINALLY figured it out.

A lot of our development had been done in PHP3. We hadn't fully migrated everything. So I told the Apache server to start treating .php3 files as PHP4 on a 'case-by-case' basis, using .htaccess files.

In the 'test site' I first defined, I specified Application Server: Server Model = PHP 4, Default Scripting Language = PHP, and Default Page Extension = .php3 --

AND THAT WAS MY MISTAKE! Had I simply started with a site where we now use .php files, none of this would have happened.

So: the connection-creation tool was saving .php suffixed files, yet it seems the 'Application Server: Default Page Extension' preference (.php3) was preventing those connection definitions from being considered as connections!

I just thought I would share this with you all, partially to vent,but more importantly so anyone who makes this mistake will (hopefully) find this message and save themselves a lot of frustration!




Replied 12 Oct 2001 15:23:39
12 Oct 2001 15:23:39 Bruno Mairlot replied:
Thanks for sharing your knowledge Thom.

For the case of Apache configuration, I'd simply suggest you to alter the MIME TYPES you've got defined for your different sites,

just add the following to your Site definition :

AddType application/x-httpd-php4 .php3

And it should treat all .php3 files as a PHP4 file

--- Better to die trying, than never try at all ---
Replied 14 Oct 2001 19:33:03
14 Oct 2001 19:33:03 Tim Green replied:
Well spotted Thom. Please report this as a bug at so that this issue can be resolved permantently <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

Tim Green

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