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New to MS SQL Server

Posted 18 Oct 2002 22:36:32
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18 Oct 2002 22:36:32 A. B. posted:
Hello, all.

<p>I've been doing freelance work using MS Access and ASP; however, a client wants a web-enabled admin section using SQL Server. I have no idea where to begin.</P>

<p>Does anyone have any ideas about where I can learn about SQL Server and creating databases, e-mail confirmation, and then integrating these functions with UltraDev 4?</p>

<p>Does SQL Server use ASP?</p>

<p>Also, what is the relationship between ASP.NET and SQL?</p>

<p>Thank you in advance for your hep!</p>



Replied 19 Oct 2002 18:56:53
19 Oct 2002 18:56:53 Owen Eastwick replied:
You can use SQL Server with UD4 using ASP in a very similar manner as an Access database. There are a fair few differences and extra fetaures but it's familiar microsoft stuff so making the switch isn't too tricky. If you use it like Access it won't take long, if you want to take advantage of extra features like stored procedures it will take a litte longer.

Useful links: - You can download a 120 day trial version of SQL Server 2000, you need to have Windows NT4, 2000 or XP it won't run on W98, ME etc.

ASP.NET is a new development framework, in some ways and improvement and replacement for "classic" ASP, however it's not natively supported in UD4, it is in DWMX. As you will allready need to learn the differences between Access and SQL Server I'd stick with ASP at least until you're completely up to speed with SQL Server.



Multiple Parameter UD4 / Access 2000 Database Search Tutorial:

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