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Dreamweaver and MySQL connection issues

Posted 06 Aug 2003 13:19:46
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06 Aug 2003 13:19:46 Adeel N posted:
I have MySQL 4.0.13 with php 4.3.2 and apache 1.3 on a redhat linux 9 machine, while dreamweaver 6 is running on a windows xp pro machine in a LAN configuration for now. When I enter in the information for dreamweaver to connect to the SQL server, it returns with an HTTP 403 forbidden error. I originally thought that this was because of permission settings on the database files, so i changed all the permissions to 777, global read/write/execute. I also tried to log in using the root account, but that was also returning the HTTP 403 error. However, using the MySQL Control Center for Windows, I can connect to the server, so I'm pretty sure MySQL is setup right. So I'm now thinking that either apache isn't configured properly or PHP isn't working properly, but I don't know where to look in the conf file or what to change to make it work. Apache and PHP were both installed from source, and php is loaded as a module in apache. If anyone has any suggestions or solutions, it would be greatly appreciated.


Replied 08 Aug 2003 07:11:28
08 Aug 2003 07:11:28 Adeel N replied:
I figured out the solution to my problem, and I'll post it for others who are in a similar boat. If your using dreamweaver, or any other program for that matter, and can't use mysql, but know that your mysql works, be it that you tested through php, or can connect using mysqladmin or mysql control center, then the problem most likely lies within the permissions. Check the permissions of the mysql user first of all, and make sure the @localhost accounts are deleted. Then check the actual file permissions of the files you are using. For me, the files in my website folder were all messed up because of dreamweaver. The owner could only write and execute, and not read. That was causing major issues with dreamweaver. So just check your basic permissions if you have random errors.

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