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Ultradev on NT4.0 Network

Posted 23 May 2001 18:46:45
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23 May 2001 18:46:45 carolus Holman posted:
I have a major annoyance, and am wondering if anyuone else has experienced this: I have a site with 6,500 documents (.asp, html, etc.) I am connected over a LAN 10/100 to the file folder that contains the site because I am sharing it with another Developer. It takes 7 seconds EVERYTIME I switch between page view/code view or siteview, switch between any application! It almost makes this software unusable. I have tried everything! Is there a way to turn of the site refreshing everytime you give the window focus? this is driving me nuts! Other programs I use do not have this problem, FTP-Explorer, etc. thanks!

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