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vsisited state

Reported 15 Dec 2003 08:06:06
has this problem
15 Dec 2003 08:06:06 Craig Sherwood posted:
I have yr menu on two navigation pages, these open content in a main frame. In one page the visited state works and in another it fails.
The one that fails uses javascript (or#) as the link and the working version uses href="somefile...
Here I've taken out the 'a' from href, just to get the code to show in this message.
The only real difference I can see is in the use of href. The correct pages load, so the issue is elsewhere.

Many thanks for yr thoughts,

<li>< href="../_pages/dummy.htm" title="dummy page" target="nav">dummy page...</a></li>

<li>< href="javascript:;" title="dummy page" onClick="Lvl_targetIframe('fhead','nav','../_pages/dummy.htm');MM_goToURL('parent.frames[\'fmain\']','../_pages/blank.htm');MM_setTextOfLayer('ptitle?fhead','','dummy page');return document.MM_returnValue">dummy page...</a></li>

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