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Editor Removing Anchor Tags

Reported 09 Sep 2004 15:29:50
has this problem
09 Sep 2004 15:29:50 Eric Melillo posted:
Has anyone come up with a solution for anchor tags? I am now using V 1.1.1_2. The editor is still removing all my anchor tags. Will there be a new release soon?


Replied 13 Sep 2004 14:49:02
13 Sep 2004 14:49:02 Eric Melillo replied:
I found an anchor tag work around!

Create your HTML in DW.
Open your site with an unsupported browser like Netscape. The HTML editor will not appear.
Drop your code in the text box.
The code WILL NOT be rewritten.

PS - Where's the support? I asked this question last week. Can someone from Dmxzone respond?

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