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mysql datasource in coldfusion

Posted 10 Jan 2006 16:58:22
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10 Jan 2006 16:58:22 Jomo Hunte-St.Rose posted:
I'm trying to add a mysql datasource using the coldfusion administrator.
It's not working. I get the following error:

# Connection verification failed for data source: mydatabase
[]java.sql.SQLException: Communication failure during handshake. Is there a
server running on localhost:3306?
The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: Communication failure during
handshake. Is there a server running on localhost:3306?

Any ideas on correcting this error and creating a mysql datasource with the
coldfusion administrator



Replied 07 Feb 2006 19:25:13
07 Feb 2006 19:25:13 Derek McLean replied:
is mysql running on this machine? or a network? port 3306 is the port mysql uses, unless you change it, check your config.
I assume it is on your machine as it says localhost

Have you installed all the connectors etc for java?

jconnector = java to mysql
modjk apache to tomcat connector


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