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Drop Down List/Menu

Posted 18 Oct 2006 01:13:44
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18 Oct 2006 01:13:44 joel gerardi posted:
I would like to set up a page with 3 drop down menus. I want to populate the menu based on the previous menu. for example: in the first menu you would pick a state, after that selection the second menu would show the cities in that state, after selecting a city, the third menu would show the streets in that city. Basically it is like running a query. Does anyone know of an extension that is available for this. I see this used on many different sites.
Thanx in advance


Replied 31 Oct 2006 00:43:10
31 Oct 2006 00:43:10 Alan C replied:
you can do this with all CSS - there is a tutorial that shows you how here

I used it on putting all the menus into a header div inside a template, that site only uses two levels of menu but I've used the three levels elsewhere with good success.

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