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Driver Name for Jar Connector

Posted 28 Oct 2006 17:05:51
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28 Oct 2006 17:05:51 Walt Dexter posted:
I've copied the mysql-connector-java.3.1.10-bin.jar file and have copied it into the correct directory.
But while I'm attempting to create a new data source name while CFAdmin, one field called
"Driver Name" which I've read is optional, won't work unless you key something in.

What is the proper driver name that I'm supposed to key in here?

Thx in advance...Walt


Replied 07 Nov 2006 19:37:51
07 Nov 2006 19:37:51 Walt Dexter replied:
This problem has been solved. The driver name was not required to be entered into the CF Admin while attempting to create a new data source name.


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