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Show Layer onClick - DW8 - Mac 10.4.8

Posted 24 Jan 2007 00:24:06
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24 Jan 2007 00:24:06 Nancy Renfree posted:
I have two layers on a page. One layer contains a form with a set of radio buttons. When I click a radio button, I want to submit the form which sends the value of the radio button clicked and SHOW another layer that has a dropdown menu on it that shows a subset of a database column depending on the radio button clicked.

Everything works swell as long as I have everything shown all the time. What I want is for the drop-down menu to be hidden when the page loads and then appear when a radio button is clicked.

If I put the "Show Layer" behavior on each radio button, I can see the drop-down for a moment and then it goes away. If I put the "Show Layer" behavior on the "OnSubmit" of the form, I don't see the other layer at all.

What simple thing have a I missed?

Thank you for your help,


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