Flash Image Enhancer Support Product Page

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Use with Spry

Asked 05 Jul 2007 17:01:03
has this question
05 Jul 2007 17:01:03 Greg LeBreck posted:
I am trying to use the Image Enhancer with Spry data.

When I place it on the image (which comes from a spry dataset) the extension seems to know it is spry data as it writes a bunch of code for it. But when I view the page I get a java error saying Expected ')' on a line number that does not exist in my page.

From the looks of the code and I am no expert but the { and } for spry data is not being liked. Is there a work around?


Replied 05 Jul 2007 17:04:05
05 Jul 2007 17:04:05 Greg LeBreck replied:
This is the code

<pre id=code><font face=courier size=2 id=code> &lt;div spry:detailregion="ds1" style="width:350px; float:right;"&gt;
&lt;span id="dv_flashImage1"&gt;&lt;img src="www.babyzeek.com/i/gallery/{gFile}" width="350" height="196" /&gt;&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
// &lt;![CDATA[
var flashImage1 = new dmxFlashImageEnhancer("www.babyzeek.com/i/gallery/&lt;MM:BeginLock translatorClass="MM_SPRY" type="MM_SPRY_DATA_REFERENCE" orig="&lt;MM:BeginLock translatorClass="MM_SPRY" type="MM_SPRY_DATA_REFERENCE" orig="&lt;MM:BeginLock translatorClass="MM_SPRY" type="MM_SPRY_DATA_REFERENCE" orig="gFile" &gt;&lt;MM_DYNAMIC_CONTENT DYNAMICDATA=1&gt;&lt;MMECORATION HILITECOLOR="Dyn Untranslated Color"&gt;{gFile}&lt;/MMECORATION&gt;&lt;/MM_DYNAMIC_CONTENT&gt;&lt;MM:EndLock&gt;" &gt;&lt;MM_DYNAMIC_CONTENT DYNAMICDATA=1&gt;&lt;MMECORATION HILITECOLOR="Dyn Untranslated Color"&gt;&lt;MM:BeginLock translatorClass="MM_SPRY" type="MM_SPRY_DATA_REFERENCE" orig="{gFile}" &gt;&lt;MM_DYNAMIC_CONTENT DYNAMICDATA=1&gt;&lt;MMECORATION HILITECOLOR="Dyn Untranslated Color"&gt;{gFile}&lt;/MMECORATION&gt;&lt;/MM_DYNAMIC_CONTENT&gt;&lt;MM:EndLock&gt;&lt;/MMECORATION&gt;&lt;/MM_DYNAMIC_CONTENT&gt;ONTENT&gt;&lt;M&lt;MM:EndLock&gt;" &gt;&lt;MM_DYNAMIC_CONTENT DYNAMICDATA=1&gt;&lt;MMECORATION HILITECOLOR="Dyn Untranslated Color"&gt;&lt;MM:BeginLock translatorClass="MM_SPRY" type="MM_SPRY_DATA_REFERENCE" orig="gFile" &gt;&lt;MM_DYNAMIC_CONTENT DYNAMICDATA=1&gt;&lt;MMECORATION HILITECOLOR="Dyn Untranslated Color"&gt;&lt;MM:BeginLock translatorClass="MM_SPRY" type="MM_SPRY_DATA_REFERENCE" orig="gFile" &gt;&lt;MM_DYNAMIC_CONTENT DYNAMICDATA=1&gt;&lt;MMECORATION HILITECOLOR="Dyn Untranslated Color"&gt;{gFile}&lt;/MMECORATION&gt;&lt;/MM_DYNAMIC_CONTENT&gt;&lt;MM:EndLock&gt;&lt;/MMECORATION&gt;&lt;/MM_DYNAMIC_CONTENT&gt;&lt;MM:EndLock&gt;&lt;/MMECORATION&gt;&lt;/MM_DYNAMIC_CONTENT&gt;ONTENT&gt;&lt;M&lt;MM:EndLock&gt;", "fl_flashImage1", "350", "196";
flashImage1.addVariable("cornerRadius", "15";
flashImage1.addVariable("corners", "tl,tr,bl,br";
&lt;/script&gt; &lt;/div&gt; </font id=code></pre id=code>
Replied 05 Jul 2007 17:44:53
05 Jul 2007 17:44:53 Greg LeBreck replied:
I have now tryed it using an ASP recordset. I needed to add an auto number to the span id to get it to work but now I have the problem that all the images are overlayed with green color. You can't see the images.
Also have to use asp takes away all the functionality of Spry.

If this helps I am using DW CS3, and IE 7.
Replied 05 Jul 2007 17:58:50
05 Jul 2007 17:58:50 Greg LeBreck replied:
I know I am posting alot but I have to get an answer on this.

I now have found that if I use it with a single static image it works fine. The problem seems to be using data.
Replied 06 Jul 2007 10:18:15
06 Jul 2007 10:18:15 George Petrov replied:
Hi Greg,

We haven't designed the extension to work with Spry - but it is indeed a good idea.
I see there are some minor compatibility issues and will see if I can solve them.

Will let you know how it goes.


George Petrov - Founder of the Dynamic Zones
DMXzone.com, FWzone.net, FLzone.net, CFzone.net,
DNzone.com, FlashFiles.nl
Replied 06 Jul 2007 11:12:59
06 Jul 2007 11:12:59 Georgi Kralev replied:
Hi Greg,

I have not tried Flash Image Enhancer with Spry dataset but I can ensure that it work fine with the ASP recordset.
When you add an auto number to the span id make sure that id in the corresponding javascript code is the same.

For exmaple

"dv_flashImage1" string should be the same as the corresponding span id (span id="dv_flashImage1".

For more information you can check


Georgi Kralev

Support - www.DMXzone.com
Replied 19 Jul 2007 12:15:45
19 Jul 2007 12:15:45 George Petrov replied:
Hi Greg,

In the just released version 1.04 we added for support for dynamic data and Spry!!

So now you can have all kind of dynamic spry regions together with Flash Image Enhancer.

See also the Spry video on www.dmxzone.com/go?13503


George Petrov - Founder of the Dynamic Zones
DMXzone.com, FWzone.net, FLzone.net, CFzone.net,
DNzone.com, FlashFiles.nl

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