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jQuery 1.1.4 Breaks CSS Image Gallery

Posted 28 Oct 2007 06:47:55
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28 Oct 2007 06:47:55 Justin Sir posted:
I came across an issue with CSS Image Gallery on one of my sites where the images would load up as if they were in a column and then completely disappear. The JavaScript error was something like "currentStyle does not exist or is null". I troubleshot the issue and found out recent activity of mine replaced a file from DMXZ with a newer version and that broke it.Not sure which new extension I downloaded... I get a lot from DMXZone... but whatever it was had a new jquery-latest.pack.js file, commented as 1.1.4. When I replaced the file with an older version of everything worked perfectrly again.

Let me know if you need more information.

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