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MySQL ODBC connector problem

Posted 21 Feb 2008 04:39:02
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21 Feb 2008 04:39:02 Javier Castro posted:
I have 2 machines. One of them has Apache and MySQL Running. Downloaded and installed ODBC connector. No problem. On my second machien, where I run my production applications I also wanted to install the ODBC connector to be able to convert MS Access DB to MySQL but I had no luck. When I try to configure the connector and I put the server, that by default is localhost, but in my case would be: myserver (remote) It doesn't work.

Any Ideas if this is actually possible????

Thanks for any help or suggestion.


"I'm a slow learner and I forget fast" grandpa


Replied 03 Mar 2008 23:06:01
03 Mar 2008 23:06:01 Ryan Preece replied:
Not sure if this is any help but I did something similar a while a go.

Have you got the MYSQL control center app?

I downloaded this and then exported my access db to a mysql db. You must have the correct mysql driver installed first and then everything worked fine.

Don't know if that helps?

MYSQL control center and the mysql driver

all the best

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