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Split function using two tables

Posted 30 Apr 2008 19:28:55
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30 Apr 2008 19:28:55 darrell heath posted:
I have a delimma with retrieving an iteration of values from table2 (string) once I have the values from table1 (number - format 1,45,3,56) split.

set rsOptions=conn.execute("SELECT options FROM tblinventory where makeid =" & catid & ""

if not rsOptions.eof and not rsOptions.bof then
if rsOptions("options" <> "" then

fieldSplit = rsOptions("options"
newStr = Split(fieldSplit, ","
max = UBound(newStr)

set rsOpt=conn.execute("SELECT * FROM tblinventoryoptions where id =" & max & ""

for i = 0 to max
opt = newStr(i)
response.write opt & ","

response.write ("<br>" & rsOpt("title")

Set rsOpt = Nothing

end if
end if
Set rsOptions = Nothing

With the above I get iteration of number values split from the inventory table, but I can't seem to 'compare' the same values to another table (tblinventoryoptions) and display just the 'title' for the values instead of the number.

Any help would be appreciated.


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