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Recordset with max value

Posted 08 Jun 2008 21:07:18
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08 Jun 2008 21:07:18 john culp posted:
I want to create a recordset using group by whose records reflect the max value of a field.

For example... the table is this-

Fld 1 Fld 2
A 1
A 2
A 3
B 1
B 2
B 3

I want the recordset to reflect the highest values of Fld 2, grouped by Fld 1. So the recordset needs to be-
A 3
B 3

I tried ordering by and grouping by hoping it would take the highest value, but it didn't. Using the query-

Select max(fld1) as max, fld1, fld2
group by fld1

max is correct, but the records themselves were not the records based on the max. The recordset would look like this-

max fld1 fld2
3 A 2
3 B 1

It groups them by fld1, but doesn't filter the record that the max fld1 would yield.

I want the result to be-
max fld1 fld2
3 A 3
3 B 3

Am I making sense?

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