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PAU 3 and SIP 2.5 unique naming not working

Posted 10 Aug 2008 19:54:49
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10 Aug 2008 19:54:49 Ian Webb posted:
I have a problem with PAU 3 and SIP 2.5.

I want to upload images at two specific sizes, so the first SIP makes a new file (thumbnail), then the second SIP uses the original filename.

All working fine, but when I upload a file with a .JPEG extension, SIP converts it to JPG and the unique file check in PAU fails! (obviously because myfile.JPEG <> myfile.JPG) The script starts overwriting my images - I can't control the image names as it's a client-facing CMS.

Do I have to also upload the original file (I don't want to, I don't want to store the originals!) or is there something in the script setup I need to change?

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