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displaying form data in next page

Posted 01 Oct 2008 07:33:01
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01 Oct 2008 07:33:01 rebecca ng posted:
Hi there,

the following code is displaying form data in a new pop up window...but how can I display form data in the next page (.html)? appreciate any help.. thanks

<title>Form Example</title>
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function display() {
DispWin ='','NewWin', 'toolbar=no,status=no,width=300,height=200')
message = "<ul><li><b>NAME: </b>" + document.form1.yourname.value;
message += "<li><b>ADDRESS: </b>" + document.form1.address.value;
message += "<li><b>PHONE: </b>" + + "</ul>";
<h1>Form Example</h1>
Enter the following information. When you press the Display button,
the data you entered will be displayed in a pop-up window.
<form name="form1">
<p><b>Name:</b> <input TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="20" NAME="yourname">
<p><b>Address:</b> <input TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="30" NAME="address">

<p><b>Phone: </b> <input TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="15" NAME="phone">
<p><input TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Display" onClick="display();"></p>

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