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repeat records x times

Posted 13 Jan 2009 18:18:47
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13 Jan 2009 18:18:47 Chris Brown posted:

I am happily using DW with repating regions, but what I want is a little more specific...

If I have a recordset with say 10 records in it, I want the recordset to repeat again say 5 times (starting from the 1st record) effectively giving me 5 lots of the same 10 records (50 records in total).

I am using MY SQL 4 and I cannot seem to find a repeat for SQL, otherwise I would do it in SQL rather than in ASP.

Can anyone help with this. Below is a sample of the type of output I am after should the above not be clear! I have done this example on just 3 records repeating 3 time to save me typing too much!

1. record 1
2. record 2
3. record 3
4. record 1
5. record 2
6. record 3
7. record 1
8. record 2
9. record 3
10. record 1
11. record 2
12. record 3



Replied 04 Feb 2009 13:13:49
04 Feb 2009 13:13:49 Andrew Watson replied:
Many many wasy to achieve this...but as it always should you should think about performance....

An array is processed much faster than a recordset by asp....less you could use the ado GETROWS method to make a multidimensional array from your recordset..then simply use a for loop to go through it...

Nest this inside another for loop for your multiple repeat...e.g
dim objConn, rsData, arrData
set objConn = 'your connection string'
set rsData = objConn.execute([i]your sql statement[/i])
if not rsData.eof then
arrData = rsData.getrows
end if

for cntRepeat = 0 to 4 (repeat them 5 times)
 for cntRow = 0 to ubound(arrData,2)
  --> spit out your record e.g. response.write arrData(0,cntRow) for first field

or just use...

rs.movefirst then so the repeating region again...

theres quality examples on w3schools for this...


Edited by - on 04 Feb 2009 13:15:06
Replied 10 Feb 2009 11:54:24
10 Feb 2009 11:54:24 Chris Brown replied:
Thanks very much, I will look into both options.


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