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Problem with php MySql Recordset

Reported 05 May 2009 18:42:05
has this problem
05 May 2009 18:42:05 Marzio Gialinà posted:
I have studied this link www.dmxzone.com/go?16610, but I have some problems with a DW Recordset:

1- My path in the server is xxxxxx.xxx/foto
2- I haven't the thumbs path, then is the same
3- The names of files is in a Table MySql

4- I have apply Repeat Region to thumbList, but now with DW CS4 it's impossible to apply another Repeat Region with same Recordset

This is the code, where is the error?

<div class="dmxGallery" id="cssGallery1">
<li><img src="../foto/<?php echo $row_RsGallery['foto']; ?>" width="533" height="400" class="image" alt="" /></li>
<div class="dmxThumbList" id="cssGallery1_thumb">
<?php do { ?>
<li><img src="../foto/fotogallery/<?php echo $row_RsGallery['foto']; ?>" width="150" height="112" alt="" /></li>
<?php } while ($row_RsGallery = mysql_fetch_assoc($RsGallery)); ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
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width: 555,
height: 338,
thumbWidth: 95,
thumbHeight: 80,
thumbPadding: 5,
thumbHolderHeight: 80,
thumbHolderPosition: 'right',
thumbShowOnHover: false,
captionPosition: 'top',
playerDelay: 3,
autoPlay: false,
autosize: true,
captionOpacity: 40,
imgIndex: 0,
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currentImage: 0
// ]]>


Replied 07 May 2009 12:13:16
07 May 2009 12:13:16 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Marzio,

I'd recomment you to make 2 recordsets - one for the images and one for the thumbnails. After that you shouldn't have any problems.
Replied 07 May 2009 12:17:54
07 May 2009 12:17:54 Marzio Gialinà replied:
Thank You

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