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PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 0173BAEE

Posted 07 May 2009 18:32:21
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07 May 2009 18:32:21 Chest Rockwell posted:
I have built a page that displays photographs from flickr using their api. To filter down to individual images I have been passing information (e.g. photo id's) from one php page to another in the url (e.g. photo.php?id=1234567890).

On my photo page I have been using the following to capture the id then place into a simplexml_load_file:
$set_id = $_REQUEST['id'];

If I hard code the simplexml_load_file to include 1234567890 rather than configure it to accept what ever is pass in photo.phpid= it all works fine. However when I populate the simplexml_load_file with the url string I see the following error:

PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 0173BAEE

Sometimes it happens straight away, other times after a couple of page loads, does anybody have an idea why i am seeing this error.
I am running PHP Version 5.2.9-2 on IIS 5.1

Many thanks

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