DMXzone Calendar Support Product Page

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Need Help making all my DMXZone extensions work together.

Asked 06 Oct 2009 03:32:29
has this question
06 Oct 2009 03:32:29 Paul Boucher posted:
I have been trying to integrate DMX CSS Form Designer, DMX Form Validation, and DMX Calendar into my website design and I am stuck - everything seems OK, but I cannot get DMX Calendar to function properly. I can get each separate extension to work independently with no problem, but putting it all together is not working and I have no idea what the problem is. Could someone look at my test page at and see if there is something I am missing? Any help would be very appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


PS - I don't usually require much help, but everytime I do it is always a hassle to figure out where I should go. I hope I am in the right place.



Replied 06 Oct 2009 08:19:27
06 Oct 2009 08:19:27 Patrick Julicher replied:
Hi Paul,

Could you post the source code of your page?

Kind regards, Patrick
Replied 06 Oct 2009 19:35:25
06 Oct 2009 19:35:25 Paul Boucher replied:
Maybe this will be better?
<?php require_once('ScriptLibrary/dmxValidator.php'); ?>
// Universal Form Validator PHP 1.5.1
$dmxval1 = new dmxValidator();
$dmxval1->script_folder = "ScriptLibrary";
$dmxval1->cs_validate_on_change = true;
$dmxval1->cs_validate_on_submit = true;
$dmxval1->report_type = 4;
$dmxval1->error_font =  "Arial";
$dmxval1->error_font_size = 12;
$dmxval1->error_color = "#ffffff";
$dmxval1->error_bold = true;
$dmxval1->error_italic = false;
$dmxval1->error_image = "";
$dmxval1->error_fixed = "Custom";
$dmxval1->error_padding = 4;
$dmxval1->border_color = "#FF0000";
$dmxval1->border_style = "solid";
$dmxval1->css_error_file = "validatorError10";
$dmxval1->error_bg_color = "#ff0000";
$dmxval1->error_preset = "error_five.txt";
$dmxval1->tooltip_position = "top";
$dmxval1->css_hint_file = "validatorHint10";
$dmxval1->hint_preset = "blue.txt";
$dmxval1->hint_tooltip_position = "top";
$dmxval1->hint_border_color = "#0099ff";
$dmxval1->hint_border_style = "solid";
$dmxval1->hint_bg_color = "#003399";
$dmxval1->hint_text_color = "#ffffff";
$dmxval1->hint_text_font = "Arial";
$dmxval1->hint_text_size = 12;
$dmxval1->hint_text_bold = false;
$dmxval1->hint_text_italic = false;
$dmxval1->hint_box_width = 200;
$dmxval1->hint_image = "";
$dmxval1->hint_fixed = "Custom";
$dmxval1->hint_padding = 4;
$dmxval1->use_custom_focus_class = "custom";
$dmxval1->custom_focus_class = "fancy";
$dmxval1->use_custom_valid_class = "fixed";
$dmxval1->valid_border_style = "solid";
$dmxval1->valid_border_size = 1;
$dmxval1->valid_border_color = "#99FF99";
$dmxval1->valid_bg_color = "#FFFFFF";
$dmxval1->valid_text_color = "#000000";
$dmxval1->use_custom_invalid_class = "fixed";
$dmxval1->invalid_border_style = "solid";
$dmxval1->invalid_border_size = 2;
$dmxval1->invalid_border_color = "#FF0033";
$dmxval1->invalid_bg_color = "#FFFFFF";
$dmxval1->invalid_text_color = "#000000";
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "FirstName", "letterscond", "false,,", "true", "", "First Name", "", "");
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "LastName", "letterscond", "false,,", "true", "", "Last Name", "", "");
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "Phone", "allformats", ",,", "true", "", "Phone Number", "", "");
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "Email", "emailcond", ",,", "true", "", "Email Address", "", "");
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "SizeOfParty", "numbercond", ",,", "true", "", "Number of People in my Party", "", "");
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "DMXCalender_1", "allformats", ",,", "true", "", "Date", "", "");
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "SpecialRequirements", "alphanumericcond", "false,,", "true", "", "Special Requirements", "", "");
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "Time", "allformats", ",,", "true", "", "Time", "", "");
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "FirstName", "Enter First Name Only");
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "LastName", "Enter Last Name Only");
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "Phone", "Enter Phone Number.<br />Example: 123-456-7890");
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "Email", "Enter Email Address.<br />Example:");
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "SizeOfParty", "How many people are in your party?");
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "DMXCalender_1", "Please pick the Date for your reservation");
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "Time", "What time is your party coming to Lunch or Dinner?");
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "SpecialRequirements", "Please let us know of any special requests or considerations, such as dietary restrictions or preferences, special needs, special occasions, etc.");
$dmxval1->add_mask("dmxval1", "Phone", "phone", "North America");
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="ScriptLibrary/jquery-latest.pack.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="ScriptLibrary/dmxCalendar/dmxCalendar.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Styles/dmxCalendar/dmxCalendar.css" />

<title>Untitled Document</title>
<link href="Styles/form_fancy.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="Styles/dmxValidator/validatorHint10.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="Styles/dmxValidator/validatorError10.css" type="text/css" />
<script src="ScriptLibrary/jquery.inputHintBox.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="ScriptLibrary/jquery.maskedinput-1.2.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="ScriptLibrary/jquery.validate.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="ScriptLibrary/dmx.jquery.validate.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="ScriptLibrary/jsvat.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="ScriptLibrary/jquery.hoverIntent.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
// dmxValidatorJSStart
// dmxValidatorJSEnd
<table width="500" align="center" border="0">

<form class="fancy" id="dmxval1" name="Reservations" method="post" action="/cgi-bin/">
    <input type=hidden name="recipient" value="1">
  	   <input type=hidden name="subject" value="Reservation for Savour Restaurant">
	   <input type=hidden name="redirect" value="">
	   <input type=hidden name="missing_fields_redirect" value="">
	   <input type=hidden name="required" value="FirstName,LastName,Phone,SizeOfParty,Email,Date,Time">
            <label for="FirstName">First Name:</label>
            <input type="text" id="FirstName" name="FirstName" value="<?php echo dmxSetValue("", "FirstName") ?>" />
            <?php $dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","FirstName","requiredcond","false,,");$dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","FirstName","letterscond","false,,");?>
            <label for="LastName">Last Name:</label>
            <input type="text" id="LastName" name="LastName" value="<?php echo dmxSetValue("", "LastName") ?>" />
            <?php $dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","LastName","requiredcond","false,,");$dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","LastName","letterscond","false,,");?>
            <label for="Phone">Phone Number:</label>
            <input type="text" id="Phone" name="Phone" value="<?php echo dmxSetValue("", "Phone") ?>" />
            <?php $dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","Phone","requiredcond",",,");$dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","Phone","allformats",",,");?>
            <label for="Email">Email Address:</label>
            <input type="text" id="Email" name="Email" value="<?php echo dmxSetValue("", "Email") ?>" />
            <?php $dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","Email","requiredcond",",,");$dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","Email","emailcond",",,");?>
            <label for="SizeOfParty">Number of People in my Party:</label>
            <input type="text" id="SizeOfParty" name="SizeOfParty" value="<?php echo dmxSetValue("", "SizeOfParty") ?>" />
            <?php $dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","SizeOfParty","requiredcond",",,");$dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","SizeOfParty","numbercond",",,");?>
          <label for="DMXCalender_1">Date:</label>
            <input type="text" id="DMXCalender_1" name="DMXCalender_1" readonly="readonly" value="<?php echo dmxSetValue("", "DMXCalender_1") ?>" />
            <script type="text/javascript">
    // <![CDATA[
    $(function() {$('#dmxCalendar_1').datepicker({
      skin : "dmxCalendar",
      dateFormat : "M d, yy",
      showStatus : true,
      numberOfMonths : [1,1],
      showAnim : "explode",
      showOptions : 
        easing : "easeOutBounce",
        direction : "up",
        mode : "show"
      duration : "fast",
      showOn : "both",
      buttonImage : "Styles/dmxCalendar/calendar_icon.gif",
      buttonImageOnly : true,
      prompt : "Please Pick Reservation Date",
      closeAtTop : false,
      dropShadow : 
        left : 4,
        top : 4,
        opacity : 30,
        blur : 1
    // ]]>
    <?php $dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","DMXCalender_1","requiredcond",",,");$dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","DMXCalender_1","allformats",",,");?>
            <label for="Time">Time:</label>
            <select id="Time" name="Time">
              <option>12:00 pm (Lunch)</option>
              <option>12:30 pm (Lunch)</option>
              <option>1:00 pm (Lunch)</option>
              <option>1:30 pm (Lunch)</option>
              <option>2:00 pm (Lunch)</option>
              <option>2:30 pm (Lunch)</option>
              <option>3:00 pm (Lunch)</option>
              <option>5:00 pm (Dinner)</option>
              <option>5:30 pm (Dinner)</option>
              <option>6:00 pm (Dinner)</option>
              <option>7:00 pm (Dinner)</option>
              <option>7:30 pm (Dinner)</option>
              <option>8:00 pm (Dinner)</option>
              <option>8:30 pm (Dinner)</option>
              <option>9:00 pm (Dinner)</option>
            <?php $dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","Time","requiredcond",",,");$dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","Time","allformats",",,");?>
            <label for="SpecialRequirements">Special Requirements:</label>
            <textarea id="SpecialRequirements" name="SpecialRequirements"><?php echo dmxSetValue("", "SpecialRequirements") ?></textarea>
            <?php $dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","SpecialRequirements","requiredcond","false,,");$dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","SpecialRequirements","alphanumericcond","false,,");?>
  <p style="text-align:left;">
    <input type="reset" value="Reset" />
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" />


Replied 12 Oct 2009 02:42:09
12 Oct 2009 02:42:09 Paul Boucher replied:
Any luck looking into my problem?
Replied 12 Oct 2009 08:20:42
12 Oct 2009 08:20:42 Patrick Julicher replied:
Hi Paul,

Unfortunately no news yet. Can you let me now in what order you have applied the extensions?


Kind regards, Patrick
Replied 12 Oct 2009 21:20:48
12 Oct 2009 21:20:48 Paul Boucher replied:
If I remember correctly, I worked on each extension separately first. Then I added one working example to the first, and tested to see if that worked. After getting CFD working, I applied DFV, and got it working as well. DC was done separately and working. I Then cut and pasted the DC code into the working CFD/DFV code and you see the resulting code.

If there is a prefferred way to work with the various extensions, then we need to know about that!

Should I have just used the DC extension on the CFD/DFV form and not tried cutting and pasting? What would have been different?

Replied 13 Oct 2009 08:16:54
13 Oct 2009 08:16:54 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Paul,
Please apply the calendar to your page, not just copy/paste the code from other page. When you apply the extension it adds some piece of code into your page <head></head>, also it adds files in ScriptLibrary folder, required for proper working.
Replied 14 Oct 2009 17:20:57
14 Oct 2009 17:20:57 Paul Boucher replied:
I did cut & paste the additional code you are referring to as well - you should see it in the code on the page I sent to you, and I also uploaded the additional scripts (or the separate test pages won't have worked).

I would be happy to just start all over again if that would solve the problem. Just let me know if there is a preferred order for the extensions to be applied. Thanks
Replied 14 Oct 2009 17:39:33
14 Oct 2009 17:39:33 Patrick Julicher replied:
Hi Paul,

At the moment there is no preferred order to apply the extensions to the page. I'm trying to figure out is a specific order should be used when working with these three extensions.

Kind regards, Patrick
Replied 17 Oct 2009 04:23:47
17 Oct 2009 04:23:47 Paul Boucher replied:
I've finally got the calendar to work with CFD & FV. The only (minor) problem is that the tooltip assigned to the Calendar Date input does not work. Here is the code for that in case you might come up with some ideas to fix that.-PNB

<?php require_once('ScriptLibrary/dmxValidator.php'); ?>
// Universal Form Validator PHP 1.5.1
$dmxval1 = new dmxValidator();
$dmxval1->script_folder = "ScriptLibrary";
$dmxval1->cs_validate_on_change = true;
$dmxval1->cs_validate_on_submit = true;
$dmxval1->report_type = 4;
$dmxval1->error_font = "Arial";
$dmxval1->error_font_size = 12;
$dmxval1->error_color = "#ffffff";
$dmxval1->error_bold = true;
$dmxval1->error_italic = false;
$dmxval1->error_image = "";
$dmxval1->error_fixed = "Custom";
$dmxval1->error_padding = 4;
$dmxval1->border_color = "#FF0000";
$dmxval1->border_style = "solid";
$dmxval1->css_error_file = "validatorError10";
$dmxval1->error_bg_color = "#ff0000";
$dmxval1->error_preset = "error_five.txt";
$dmxval1->tooltip_position = "top";
$dmxval1->css_hint_file = "validatorHint10";
$dmxval1->hint_preset = "blue.txt";
$dmxval1->hint_tooltip_position = "top";
$dmxval1->hint_border_color = "#0099ff";
$dmxval1->hint_border_style = "solid";
$dmxval1->hint_bg_color = "#003399";
$dmxval1->hint_text_color = "#ffffff";
$dmxval1->hint_text_font = "Arial";
$dmxval1->hint_text_size = 12;
$dmxval1->hint_text_bold = false;
$dmxval1->hint_text_italic = false;
$dmxval1->hint_box_width = 200;
$dmxval1->hint_image = "";
$dmxval1->hint_fixed = "Custom";
$dmxval1->hint_padding = 4;
$dmxval1->use_custom_focus_class = "custom";
$dmxval1->custom_focus_class = "fancy";
$dmxval1->use_custom_valid_class = "fixed";
$dmxval1->valid_border_style = "solid";
$dmxval1->valid_border_size = 1;
$dmxval1->valid_border_color = "#99FF99";
$dmxval1->valid_bg_color = "#FFFFFF";
$dmxval1->valid_text_color = "#000000";
$dmxval1->use_custom_invalid_class = "fixed";
$dmxval1->invalid_border_style = "solid";
$dmxval1->invalid_border_size = 2;
$dmxval1->invalid_border_color = "#FF0033";
$dmxval1->invalid_bg_color = "#FFFFFF";
$dmxval1->invalid_text_color = "#000000";
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "FirstName", "letterscond", "false,,", "true", "", "First Name", "", "";
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "LastName", "letterscond", "false,,", "true", "", "Last Name", "", "";
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "Phone", "allformats", ",,", "true", "", "Phone Number", "", "";
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "Email", "emailcond", ",,", "true", "", "Email Address", "", "";
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "SizeOfParty", "numbercond", ",,", "true", "", "Number of People in my Party", "", "";
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "DMXCalender_1", "allformats", ",,", "true", "", "Date", "", "";
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "SpecialRequirements", "alphanumericcond", "false,,", "true", "", "Special Requirements", "", "";
$dmxval1->add_rule("dmxval1", "Time", "allformats", ",,", "true", "", "Time", "", "";
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "FirstName", "Enter First Name Only";
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "LastName", "Enter Last Name Only";
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "Phone", "Enter Phone Number.<br />Example: 123-456-7890";
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "Email", "Enter Email Address.<br />Example:";
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "SizeOfParty", "How many people are in your party?";
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "DMXCalender_1", "Please pick the Date for your reservation";
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "Time", "What time is your party coming to Lunch or Dinner?";
$dmxval1->add_hint("dmxval1", "SpecialRequirements", "Please let us know of any special requests or considerations, such as dietary restrictions or preferences, special needs, special occasions, etc.";
$dmxval1->add_mask("dmxval1", "Phone", "phone", "North America";
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="ScriptLibrary/jquery-latest.pack.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="ScriptLibrary/dmxCalendar/dmxCalendar.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Styles/dmxCalendar/dmxCalendar.css" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<link href="Styles/form_fancy.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="Styles/dmxValidator/validatorHint10.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="Styles/dmxValidator/validatorError10.css" type="text/css" />
<script src="ScriptLibrary/jquery.inputHintBox.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="ScriptLibrary/jquery.maskedinput-1.2.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="ScriptLibrary/jquery.validate.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="ScriptLibrary/dmx.jquery.validate.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="ScriptLibrary/jsvat.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="ScriptLibrary/jquery.hoverIntent.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
// dmxValidatorJSStart
// dmxValidatorJSEnd
<table width="500" align="center" border="0">

<form class="fancy" id="dmxval1">
<label for="FirstName">First Name:</label>
<input type="text" id="FirstName" name="FirstName" value="<?php echo dmxSetValue("", "FirstName" ?>" />
<?php $dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","FirstName","requiredcond","false,,";$dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","FirstName","letterscond","false,,";?>
<label for="LastName">Last Name:</label>
<input type="text" id="LastName" name="LastName" value="<?php echo dmxSetValue("", "LastName" ?>" />
<?php $dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","LastName","requiredcond","false,,";$dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","LastName","letterscond","false,,";?>
<label for="Phone">Phone Number:</label>
<input type="text" id="Phone" name="Phone" value="<?php echo dmxSetValue("", "Phone" ?>" />
<?php $dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","Phone","requiredcond",",,";$dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","Phone","allformats",",,";?>
<label for="Email">Email Address:</label>
<input type="text" id="Email" name="Email" value="<?php echo dmxSetValue("", "Email" ?>" />
<?php $dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","Email","requiredcond",",,";$dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","Email","emailcond",",,";?>
<label for="SizeOfParty">Number of People in my Party:</label>
<input type="text" id="SizeOfParty" name="SizeOfParty" value="<?php echo dmxSetValue("", "SizeOfParty" ?>" />
<?php $dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","SizeOfParty","requiredcond",",,";$dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","SizeOfParty","numbercond",",,";?>
<label for="DMXCalender_1">Date:</label>
<input type="text" id="dmxCalendar_1" name="dmxCalendar_1" readonly="readonly" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
$(function() {$('#dmxCalendar_1').datepicker({
skin : "dmxCalendar",
dateFormat : "M d, yy",
showStatus : true,
numberOfMonths : [1,1],
showAnim : "explode",
showOptions :
easing : "easeOutBounce",
direction : "up",
mode : "show"
duration : "fast",
showOn : "both",
buttonImage : "Styles/dmxCalendar/calendar_icon.gif",
buttonImageOnly : true,
prompt : "",
closeAtTop : false,
dropShadow :
left : 4,
top : 4,
opacity : 30,
blur : 1
// ]]>

<label for="Time">Time:</label>
<select id="Time" name="Time">
<option>12:00 pm (Lunch)</option>
<option>12:30 pm (Lunch)</option>
<option>1:00 pm (Lunch)</option>
<option>1:30 pm (Lunch)</option>
<option>2:00 pm (Lunch)</option>
<option>2:30 pm (Lunch)</option>
<option>3:00 pm (Lunch)</option>
<option>5:00 pm (Dinner)</option>
<option>5:30 pm (Dinner)</option>
<option>6:00 pm (Dinner)</option>
<option>7:00 pm (Dinner)</option>
<option>7:30 pm (Dinner)</option>
<option>8:00 pm (Dinner)</option>
<option>8:30 pm (Dinner)</option>
<option>9:00 pm (Dinner)</option>
<?php $dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","Time","requiredcond",",,";$dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","Time","allformats",",,";?>
<label for="SpecialRequirements">Special Requirements:</label>
<textarea id="SpecialRequirements" name="SpecialRequirements"><?php echo dmxSetValue("", "SpecialRequirements" ?></textarea>
<?php $dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","SpecialRequirements","requiredcond","false,,";$dmxval1->generate_error("dmxval1","SpecialRequirements","alphanumericcond","false,,";?>
<p style="text-align:left;">
<input type="reset" value="Reset" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Replied 17 Oct 2009 13:36:33
17 Oct 2009 13:36:33 Patrick Julicher replied:
Hi Paul,

Good to hear you found a way to get it working. Can you tell me what you changed compared to your previous try, so wwe can use this for further reference?

Kind regards, Patrick
Replied 18 Oct 2009 08:17:29
18 Oct 2009 08:17:29 Paul Boucher replied:
I spoke a bit too soon. I've spent nearly 12 hours trying to get my little reservation form to work. Eacj=h time I try I see something strange and I try to correct it and it only seems to get worse until I start all over again. Then I run into something completely different. The last one is (with Validation) when I enter a phone number it jumps three places before it enters the next number - where did that come from? That's been my experience all evening. I fix one thing and something else bites me and I can't get to the finish line. DMXZone has pretty much provided me with tools that work well and save time - until now. I will have to be more cautious in the future. This has been a bit of a nightmare. It is complex and I can't blame you guys completely, but I don't think this time I am working with products that are 100% Gold and I don't want to be a Beta tester and solve your problems - especially after paying for the product. It would have been faster for me to do it the old fashioned way - which is what I will now have to do. Sorry, but I just can't afford to waste any more of my time only to see some other problem crop up.

This time I think both DMXZone and I bit off more then we can chew.

Replied 18 Oct 2009 18:56:30
18 Oct 2009 18:56:30 Patrick Julicher replied:
Hi Paul,

Sorry to hear this. I will still try and get these 3 extensions to work together.

Kind regards, Patrick
Replied 18 Oct 2009 22:40:40
18 Oct 2009 22:40:40 Paul Boucher replied:
I will appreciate anything you do to make it work together - that seems to be where the problems lie. Another problem I had with validation is with either a list or menu selection. When I select a different option from the one show (usually the first option in the list), when I click to the next input filed, it would default back to the pre-selected option, i.e., I was not able to select anything other than the displayed option. There were many other problems that cropped up, but this one (above)as well as the phone input jumping 3 places on its own, where problems I could not overcome and I will have to start over. In addition, when the Calendar is added for date selection, the tooltip will not appear.
Thanks in advance for any help with this.

Replied 19 Oct 2009 15:14:23
19 Oct 2009 15:14:23 Paul Boucher replied:
I finally got the three extensions to work reasonably well together - persisence does pay off! You can see the result at The problem with the phone number entry jumping 3 places at a time turned out to be a conflict with another php extension from PVII for the horizontal menu bar. Once I moved the correct piece of php code to after the menu code that problem went away.

I would love to see three additions to the Calendar capability: (1) the ability to disable picking of a day prior to today; (2) the ability to mask input to allow only certain days of the week such as only Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. (3) The ability to add another screen to mask out Holidays or vacation daysby adding these dates to a list if need be. I'l add these to the other sections as well.

Again thanks for your help. PNB
Replied 19 Oct 2009 15:26:14
19 Oct 2009 15:26:14 Patrick Julicher replied:
Hi Paul,

Did you do anything special to get the three extensions to work together? I would love to know what you did, so we can keep that in mind for future issues.

Kind regards, Patrick
Replied 26 Oct 2009 00:45:38
26 Oct 2009 00:45:38 Patrick Julicher replied:
Hi Paul,

After trying several option for the order in which to use the 3 extensions, I found that one order works every time it is used. What I do is the following:

1. Create a new page and save it.
2. Add the CSS Form Designer with necessary fields to the page. Added an extra Text field for Calendar
3. Add an ID to the form-tag.
4. Put the cursor behind the extra text field
5. Add the DMX Calendar
6. Remove the extra text field
7. Apply the Universal Form Validator.

Hope this gives you an idea how to proceed or how to go about a next time.

Kind regards, Patrick


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