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Dynamic Dropdown Lists

April 22, 2002 by nigel burkinshaw
i made the cardinal mistake of not working thru the tutorial first! i just tried it with my own ideas. So having done the tutorial and gone gone back to my project all is well. Thanks Charlie, and great tutorial by the way.
Works great with one exception...
July 15, 2002 by Antha Rickard

I did notice that Dreamweaver MX does not retain the code change in the dialogue box (listbox.asp?bands=) so the page would not work. When I added this code manually it worked fine. Ultradev4 retained the code change.

Remove excess parameters
July 18, 2002 by Lar Van Der Jagt

For those of you who have been trying to remove excess parameters from the values submited by the jump menu, here's what you do...

Rather than place "listbox.asp?bands=" in the value feild, go up to the head of the code, and find the jump box script. Then put in listbox.asp?bands= right after the part that says .location='

It will look like this (hope code posts right...):

function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0
  if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0;

Hope this helps!


What about with Coldfusion
October 3, 2002 by David Suasi
how would you complete this tutorial using the coldfusion server and dreamweaver?
Access Invalid parameters
October 17, 2002 by Javier Mauricio

Hello everyone!!!

In the last example for Lar Van Der Jagt the URL value in location not appear on change the page.

This code run in Ultradev and MX:

<script language="JavaScript">
function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0
  if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0;

Regards, Javier Fernandez

RE: Access Invalid parameters
February 3, 2003 by wendy owens

How can I code the dropdown, so that if another item is selected in the menu after other fields in the same form have been populated they are NOT cleared.  For instance, I select item 1 from dropdown menu and it populates some text fields; then I fill in some more text fields, then decide I need to change my selection from the dropdown menu to item 2.

Right now using this code, when I do this, it clear ALL the fields in the form and I have to start over. 

Is there someway I can code this so it does not clear the fields I have already filled in??

Please help.. I can't find this information anywhere.


Wendy Owens

Dynamic Dropdown Lists resets to default after selection in DMX
March 15, 2003 by sk koh

Using DMX

Need help on jump menu, i have try this tutorials and the dropdown work fine. But one thing when selected and submit the first dropdown will keep in the first item.



June 5, 2003 by priya var
I'm using MX & PHP..I tried doing the procedure described for ultradev in MX & added the code(listbox.php?bands=) but didnt suceed..the second list box is not getting populated with the corresponding records when selection is made in the first..Can anyone please help me...
If you modify the javascript code,then like this
October 14, 2003 by haj Hou
February 27, 2004 by eryna eryna
MX 2004
April 14, 2004 by Elizabeth Dunn
I can't get this to work in MX 2004.  Can someone assist?
This just will not work for me :-(
May 6, 2004 by Rob Hemsley



Really struggling to make this work in DMX. Any chance of this item being modified to reflect Ultradev now being part of DMX 2004? I'm finding it hard to guess at the correct way to do it/what changes to make to make it work in DMX..probably something to do with the dynamic list item but I can't quite put my finger on it (BTW I can't code and have only used DW3 to date).

Any help appreciated


RE: MX 2004
November 30, 2004 by Al McCullough
Has anyone figured out a way to do this in DMX 04?