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Can I create a SOC on my own?

Asked 03 Nov 2022 10:17:02
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03 Nov 2022 10:17:02 Masa Chias posted:
You should start with a detailed risk plan, describing the key threats to your business. After you find specialists, install the equipment and set up the necessary software, you will literally be inundated with a huge number of notifications about potential dangers. Most of them will be false. And the task of your SOC is to learn to filter them out quickly.


Replied 03 Nov 2022 10:40:44
03 Nov 2022 10:40:44 Parlosa Marko replied:
A lot depends on the processing unit you are looking at. However, this is an expensive proposition, you need a lot of EDA tools. You are also looking at high NRE costs (which makes it a non-starter unless you plan to run large volumes through the factory). The way I see it, if you still want to use security soc, you should go with companies that have been doing this for several years and have a lot of experience in this area. You can, of course, learn everything on your own, but it will take you a lot of time.

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