HTML5 Responsive Notify Support Product Page


Alert Up/Down Automation

Asked 13 Jun 2014 17:13:52
has this question
13 Jun 2014 17:13:52 Kelli Vance posted:
Is there a way to automate the time of day, rather than adjusting the milliseconds or manually removing a notification, a notification appears and comes down? Sometimes we need to let our church members know when major events have changed or been cancelled. It would also be handy to have notices automatically appear and come down when I am on vacation or out of the office.


Replied 16 Jun 2014 08:10:26
16 Jun 2014 08:10:26 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Unfortunately this is not possible.
Replied 16 Jun 2014 14:26:14
16 Jun 2014 14:26:14 Kelli Vance replied:
It was worth asking about. Great extension!

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